Simulation and Training Network (STN)

The Simulation Training Network (STN) was initiated as “Focus Task Force” at the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) in 2015 to improve the quality of emergency response/coordination simulation exercises. Since then, the STN has evolved into a Community of Practice for organizers of regional (e.g. EC, NATO, ASEAN), international (e.g. INSARAG, UK Simex Series), and thematic (e.g. WHO) emergency response/coordination exercises.

The objective of the STN is to improve the quality of exercises by promoting the inclusion of all relevant mechanisms (Clusters, RDC/OSOCC, Cash, UNDAC, CivMil, etc.) and actors (LEMA/NDMA, UNDAC, USAR, EMT, UNHCT, customs authorities, Cash Coordination Group, etc.) that would normally be activated in the given scenario, and to define exercise objectives based on policies and guidelines of these mechanisms.

To support these activities, the STN has developed an on-line knowledge base (pilot version released in Feb 2019), providing an interactive website with an overview of scenarios, mechanisms and actors, and associated policies, guidelines, scenarios/injects, as well as (pre-exercise) learning material for different actors/activities.

The STN has created three work-streams:

1.STN Knowledge Base to compile relevant information and make it easily accessible to exercise organizers and trainees in the appropriate context
2. Pre exercise Learning to prepare participants, EXCON, and role-players for their role in the exercise (the first modules have been finalized with USAID funding support and introduced/tested in upcoming exercises)
3. “Exercise evaluation and best practice repository” to facilitate quality control and institutional learning within the network.