Siamese Neural Network ( With Pytorch Code Example ) – Innovation Incubator Group of Companies

Author : D. Robin Reni , AI Research Intern

Classification of Items based on their similarity is one of the major challenge of Machine Learning and Deep Learning problems.But we have seen good results in Deep Learning comparing to ML thanks to Neural Networks , Large Amounts of Data and Computational Power. We have mostly seen that Neural Networks are used for Image Detection and Recognition etc . But I am not going to explain how we execute it. But in brief, we can say that “ Neural Networks are extracting features by finding the patterns in large set of images using mathematical computation for detecting and recognizing“.


why Siamese Neural Network






Siamese Neural Network



. For many of them it



new word. Don’t worry


I will make it clear and easy

for you

. I


also explain

the same

with a small mini project.

But before that


you should understand some terminologies and topics behind it. Lets dive in!

Siamese Neural Network Definition : 






etwork is a class of neural network architectures that

contain two or more


sub networks



here means


they have the same configuration with the same parameters and weights. Parameter updating is mirrored across both sub networks.

It is used


find the similarity of the inputs by comparing its feature vectors.

One-shot Learning :

It is an object categorization problem, found mostly in Computer Vision. Wh

ere, m

ost Deep Learning based object categorization algorithms require training on hundreds or thousands of samples/images and very large datasets, one-shot learning

aims to learn information about object categories from one, or only a few, training samples/images


More about One-Shot Learning :


Contrastive Loss or Lossless Triplet Loss: 

Like any distance-based loss, it tries to ensure that semantically similar examples are embedded close together. It is calculated on



popular distance-based Loss functions are Triplet & Center Loss, calculated on



Point wise


More about Triplet Loss :

Reasons to Use Siamese Neural Network : 

  1. Need


    less training Examples to classify image


    because of One-Shot Learning

  2. Learn by Embedding of the image so that it can learn Semantic Similarity

  3. It helps in ensemble to give the best classifiers because of its correlation properties.

  4. Mainly used for originality verification .

That’s i

t! T

hese are the main terminologies that you should know before you get started with Siamese Networks . Now we can learn about architecture and inner working of the network .

Siamese Neural Network Architecture : 

Don’t get panic by seeing its architecture. It

s an elaborated structure of two identical CNN which is placed parallel. All the layer definitions of the CNN are depends upon the developer and the domain for what they are developing . The only thing you have to note from this architecture is

Two Identical CNN’s placed in parallel.

If you are not familiar about Convolutional Neural Network read this blog :


Working with Siamese Neural Network : 

In general, we learn image representations via a supervised metric-based approach with siamese neural networks, then reuse that network’s features for one-shot learning without any retraining.

Also we use

large Siamese Convolutional Neural Networks

because learning generic image features, easily trained and can be used i

rrespective of the


  • Preprocessing :

    First step,

    Collect and Preprocess

    your data .

  • Modelling :

    Then design your CNN architecture mostly large according to your domain its better to use standardized CNN for siamese which you can find in many research papers .

  • Feature Extraction :

    Next create sequence model for the same architecture which is to pass

    Input 1


    Input 2.

    It is the step where Siamese theory is implemented and final layer of both the architecture should return a feature vector of the passed input images

    Feature Vector of Image 1


    Feature Vector of Image 2


  • Similarity Score :

    Then to calculate the similarity of the the two feature vectors we use some

    similarity functions

    such as

    Cosine Similarity , Euclidean Distance

    etc and this function gives similarity score of the feature vectors and based upon the threshold of the values classification is done .

  • Loss Function :

    To find the loss on the Validation Set , we use

    triplet loss function , contrastive loss


    regularized cross entropy

    etc to find out the loss and calculate the accuracy .

  • Optimization :

    So , to improve the accuracy we will backpropagate the network and optimize the loss using optimization techniques such as

    RMSprop, Mini Batch Gradient Descent , Adam Optimizer


  • Training :

    Now our complete flow for training is set . Train the model with the preprocessed images until a fixed epoch.

    Test your accuracy if it

    s low then try

    Hyper Parameter Optimization

    to improve it.


    increasing your data and image augmentation

    may help you in increasing the accuracy.

  • One-Shot Learning :

    Now we have a mastered trained Siamese Network for classification or Verification.

    We have a

    test image X

    and we wish to classify into

    one of C categories

    . For each C categories we have Xc= { X0 , X1 , X2 , …. , Xc-1 }  images.Calculate the

    similarity score for X and Xc images


    predict the class corresponding to the maximum similarity

    . This step is known as One Shot Learning.

That’s it ! These are the important working principles which you have to know when you ar


to implement Siamese Neural Network for your problem. Its time to make your own Siamese Neural Network.

Lets get your hands dirty with some python codes.

Hands-On with Siamese : 

We know that Siamese is basically for

classification using similarity score. 

In this blog we just represent the main part of Siamese Network. We considered

Offline Signature Classification

based upon Similarity Score as proof of concept. The Siamese architecture is inspired by

Signet Paper

. The dataset we used is

ICDAR 2011 Dataset

since its the classic and valid open source data.

Siamese  Code Structure 

class SiameseNetwork(nn.Module):
     def __init__(self):
          super(SiameseNetwork, self).__init__()
          # Setting up the Sequential of CNN Layers
          self.cnn1 = nn.Sequential( 
          nn.Conv2d(1, 96, kernel_size=11,stride=1),
          nn.MaxPool2d(3, stride=2),

          nn.Conv2d(96, 256, kernel_size=5,stride=1,padding=2),
          nn.MaxPool2d(3, stride=2),

          nn.Conv2d(256,384 , kernel_size=3,stride=1,padding=1),
          nn.Conv2d(384,256 , kernel_size=3,stride=1,padding=1),
          nn.MaxPool2d(3, stride=2),

          # Defining the fully connected layers
          self.fc1 = nn.Sequential(
          # First Dense Layer
          nn.Linear(30976, 1024),
          # Second Dense Layer
          nn.Linear(1024, 128),
          # Final Dense Layer

     def forward_once(self, x):
          # Forward pass 
          output = self.cnn1(x)
          output = output.view(output.size()[0], -1)
          output = self.fc1(output)
          return output

    def forward(self, input1, input2):
         # forward pass of input 1
         output1 = self.forward_once(input1)
         # forward pass of input 2
         output2 = self.forward_once(input2)
         # returning the feature vectors of two inputs
         return output1, output2

Contrastive Loss Definition

class ContrastiveLoss(torch.nn.Module):

      def __init__(self, margin=2.0):
            super(ContrastiveLoss, self).__init__()
            self.margin = margin

      def forward(self, output1, output2, label):
            # Find the pairwise distance or eucledian distance of two output feature vectors
            euclidean_distance = F.pairwise_distance(output1, output2)
            # perform contrastive loss calculation with the distance
            loss_contrastive = torch.mean((1-label) * torch.pow(euclidean_distance, 2) +
            (label) * torch.pow(torch.clamp(self.margin - euclidean_distance, min=0.0), 2))

            return loss_contrastive

Oneshot Learning :

Oneshot learning is like extracting the feature vectors of the input images from the trained model to say

how much both of the images are dissimilar

without training the images of large datasets


def oneshot(model,img1,img2):
       # Gives you the feature vector of both inputs
       output1,output2 = model(img1.cuda(),img2.cuda())
       # Compute the distance 
       euclidean_distance = F.pairwise_distance(output1, output2)
       #with certain threshold of distance say its similar or not
       if eucledian_distance > 0.5:
               print("Orginal Signature")
               print("Forged Signature")


s it from codingside ! For making the model into production you can follow lot of articles and production documents.

Major Applications Siamese Neural Network :

  • Face Recognition based upon Similarity

  • Object Classifier 

  • Detect minute changes in Documents

  • Blood Cell Classification 

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Reference : 






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