Should I Create a Separate Instagram Account for My Business? — Hey Marvelous

Wouldn’t it be nice if launching a new social media account for your business actually led to meaningful interactions with your prospective clients?

How fabulous would it be if upgrading your Instagram presence to “business class” was clearly and unquestionably beneficial to your business?

Sadly, that is not the world we live in. Since the dawn of business-specific social media accounts, platform designers have understood that they can tax, manipulate, and even punish their business users. They believe that allowing entrepreneurs and companies to promote their offerings for free means passing on easy money.

Promoted pins, Facebook post boosting, and Instagram ads are some of the most effective—and sometimes only—way for businesses to become visible to new eyes. And constant changes to feed algorithms mean personal and family posts float to the top while business posts get buried. It’s been a rigged game from day one.

But it’s not all bad news for entrepreneurs. There are definite advantages to opening business accounts on social platforms, and depending on your goals and business model, doing so can be transformative. So let’s explore the pros and cons of a business vs personal instagram account to promote your online business.