Set default network name for compose

With the latest release of Docker-Compose (1.18) they added the possibility to achieve exactly this – i.e. setting a global unique name for networks from a docker-compose.yml. Although it is not terribly well documented, you can read the docs for this change ->

You need at least Docker Engine 17.06.0 for this to work. If you have both – recent Docker Engine and a still hot docker-compose 1.18 you can achieve it with:

# you need to use the latest version of docker-compose yml
version: '3.5'

    image: nginx
      - my-network-name

   name: my-global-net

This will create the global net my-network-name. Seems like setting the same global network from different docker-compose.yml does not have any effects (nor an error is displayed); although I presume that then all services will obviously in the same overlay network.

N.B. docker-compose down will try to remove the global network.