Secure A Small Business Network: Guide, Checklist, and Advice – Abacus

If you think a laptop, an internet connection,
and a printer are the only things you need to run your office, think again. In
this article, we provide a comprehensive guide on setting up your business
network, explaining its main components, as well as some cybersecurity tips to
keep your systems up and running.

Do Small Businesses Need

Having a small business doesn’t mean you’re
invulnerable to cybersecurity attacks. Most SMB owners think that their
business is invisible from cyberattackers simply because they don’t have a lot
of assets to offer, but statistics clearly show otherwise:

SMBs are easy targets not because they lack
enterprise-level security, but because they fail to implement standard security

It’s precisely this “I’m safe” mindset that
allows hackers to penetrate defense systems and exploit vulnerabilities in a
small business network, because malicious attackers know SMBs don’t bother to
put up security measures to protect their network and data.

SMB owners who don’t consider cybersecurity as
a necessity, and by extension not a very worthwhile investment, tend to feel
that way because they think it’s expensive to set-up in the first place.

In reality, establishing a small business
network costs anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 depending on how sophisticated the
network is – which is nothing compared to the cost of recovering a compromised

Main Parts Of A Small Business
Network: A Beginner’s Guide

Setting up a small business network doesn’t
have to be complicated. If you’re running a small to medium-sized office, these
components are what you need to safely and successfully conduct business


A router is a device that connects computer
networks within the office. There are two set-ups involving a router: a
wireless set-up and a connected set-up. Nowadays, offices rely on wireless
connections because they’re accessible and easy to install.

the difference between a router and a switch?

A router has two functions: 1) connect your
fleet of devices to the internet and, 2) connect your fleet of devices with
each other. Another network hardware called a switch can be used to connect
devices like printers, servers, and computers with each other. By connecting it
to a router, networks from different switches are consolidated into an even
bigger network.

the right router

Business-level routers are different from home
WiFi routers in that office routers have anti-spam and anti-virus features, as
well as a built-in firewall system. On top of that, some models also can set up
a VPN server, which encrypts the data circulating throughout the network. All
this means is that your network will be less vulnerable to internet attacks, in
a way a standard home router isn’t.

There are other benefits that business-level
routers offer that home routers don’t. These include:

  • Blocks unsolicited traffic from
    the Internet
  • Prohibits malicious traffic from
    one computer to affect the entire network
  • Some routers allow you to control
    and manage firewall options on connected devices

While wired networks are harder to penetrate,
they can be trickier to install. Internet connection using ethernet cables is
more stable but isn’t ideal for businesses with multiple, separate offices. For
a small to medium-sized business, purchasing a router with built-in security
features is sufficient.


As mentioned, a switch is a network device
that allows different devices (computers, fax machines, webcams, printers,
surveillance systems) to exchange information. This allows devices to
communicate better so your business can function more seamlessly.

VS Managed Switch

An unmanaged switch is a simple plug-in
solution with no configuration necessary. Unmanaged switches are a great way to
extend your network by allowing multiple devices to communicate with each
other. Unmanaged switches are perfect for conference rooms, meeting areas, and
printing or faxing stations.

On the other hand, a managed switch gives you
more control over your network, particularly in how it connects to the

Managed switches can perform a variety of
functions, including increasing transmission speeds without additional
hardware, and deciding what data is accessible and by whom.

Since managed switches aren’t very
beginner-friendly  SMB owners will have
to employ an IT head or hire IT management services to maximize the security
benefits of a managed switch.

If you want to have control over your network
traffic without too much hassle, consider getting a “lighter” managed switch or
a smart switch. Alternately, if your business is connected wirelessly, consider
getting a cloud-managed switch for virtual access and control over your


A firewall is your small business network’s
first line of defense against malicious attacks. This device comes in both
hardware and software versions, and it’s possible to have both types
incorporated in your small business network.

the difference between hardware and software firewall?

Software firewall, such as the one that comes
pre-installed on your computers and laptops, only protects that device from
malicious attacks. Even then, computer worms can still disable your firewall
and creep into your computer network. On the other hand, a hardware firewall
protects your entire network from malware. If your business stores sensitive
information from clients, we recommend getting both software and hardware


Data centers aren’t exclusive to corporations.
Small to medium-sized businesses such as local banks, law firms, private
clinics, including universities and schools, can all benefit from setting up a

A server is essentially a computer that
performs complex processes, such as sharing folders and files, database storage
and management, and even web hosting.

One of the most common misconceptions is that
normal desktop computers are essentially interchangeable with actual servers.
This isn’t true for reasons being that:

  • Servers are equipped with multiple
    hard drives and power supplies that can keep the system running even if a part
    shuts down
  • Swappable components allow IT
    specialists to perform uninterrupted maintenance and repairs, with little to no
    disruption in the workflow
  • Servers can be upgraded and scaled
    as your business requires more power
  • Servers process data a lot faster
    than the normal desktop computer
  • Servers are engineered to run
    24/7, compared to desktops that have to be shut down

small businesses benefit from a server?

SMB owners tend to think that a server has no
place in their small business network, and a lot of that has to do with the
fact that majority of these smaller businesses don’t have complex IT
departments or don’t have the funds to establish a proper IT infrastructure.

While adding a server to your small business
network isn’t entirely inexpensive, the benefits of setting up a server
outweigh the initial investment.

As an SMB owner, you have room to decide what
kind of server system you want, including whether you want to rent a business
server from a provider ($100 to $300 a month depending on your plans) or
purchase one to have on-site (costs $1,000 to $3,000 for a small business).

How important a server is to your small
business network depends on your daily business operations and how many people
are using your system. For instance, a small e-commerce store run by three
people can rely on web hosting services and other vendors to run their own

On the other hand, even a small law firm with
10-20 employees and over a hundred clients would need serious processing power
and security capabilities, which a physical server can provide.

Endpoint Devices

Any machine that can transmit information
through an internet connection is considered an endpoint device. POS terminals,
computers, printers, tablets, phones, webcams, are all examples of endpoint

Too many business owners dedicate their entire
IT budget to buying the most expensive endpoint devices. However, endpoint
devices can only take you so far with cybersecurity. No matter how expensive or
high-tech a machine is, software and hardware anti-virus and anti-malware
features have to be installed to protect it from hackers and malicious

Common Security Risks and Threats For

Knowing possible cybersecurity risks is the
first step to protecting your small business network. Listed below are the most
common ways hackers infiltrate your small business network:

Hacking very rarely happens in-person. More
often than not, malware enters your network through human error. Phishing
attempts involving official-looking but fake websites and harmful links open a
small business’ network to potential threats. Training employees to be wary of
random emails, texts, and links is just as important as any software upgrade.

Social engineering:
Clerks, receptionists, and other
customer-facing employees are common social engineering targets. This tactic
exploits the employee’s weaknesses or laziness to get data they need to access
the system. Limiting crucial data access to higher level employees and a
multi-factor authentication system for customers are two great ways to prevent
social engineering attacks.

Accessing unprotected devices:
Printers and routers
are just two of the devices people rarely think about just because they don’t
have web surfing capabilities. But at the end of the day, these devices are
still connected to your network and may leak out pertinent information
regarding your small business network.

In order to protect your employees, your
network, and your clients, a combination of robust IT security and employee
education is crucial in safeguarding your small business network.

8 Tips For Small Business Protection

1) Perform
Regular Network Audits

Your security is only as strong as your last
test. The first step to enhancing your security network is knowing your
vulnerabilities. An audit can include checking for possible vulnerabilities
(open ports, malicious emails, configuring firewall settings) as well as
checking servers, apps, and software for updates.

2) Mask

The SSID or Service Set Identifier refers to
the given name of a network, including your WiFi. Some businesses clearly
announce their network through clear names like “Starbucks-2nd Floor” which
provides hackers easy access to your network.

While masking or hiding your SSID isn’t enough
of a barrier against the most determined cyberattackers, doing so gives you an
added layer of protection.

3) Encrypt
Wireless Access Points

Encryption is a common feature for wireless
devices, but they aren’t always turned on by default. If you leave it off,
hackers can gather data such as the number of devices connected to your
network, browsing history, and other sensitive information that cyberattackers
can use to launch more sophisticated attacks.

4) Limit
File Sharing To Crucial Devices

Seamless fire sharing is one of the pros of
having a connected office. With file sharing, workers can move from one
workstation to another and have an uninterrupted flow.

Instead of making all files public,  consider limiting access and fire sharing
capabilities to prevent data breaches. For instance, only keep financial
information accessible to the accounting and finance department, and personal records
limited to the HR department.

5) Password
Protect USBs and Laptops

Devices should be protected both inside and
outside the office. Portable hard drives and USBs can be encrypted using
third-party encryption software. Encryption prevents thefts from accessing your
data from another device, even if they physically have your USB, hard drive, or

Built-in encryption services offered by
Windows and Mac provide some form of protection, but won’t stop advanced
hackers from getting into your files.

6) Perform
Regular Data Backups

Schedule regular data and system backups. Make
sure you have both offline and cloud-based copies. If you’re a medium-sized
business, regular data backups must be a priority in your disaster recovery

7) Keep
Software Updated

Sometimes the easiest fixes are the ones most
forgotten. Software updates aren’t just there to give you new features – they
come with security patches that protect your network from discovered
vulnerabilities. Make it a point to update operating systems, applications, and
other software when they do arrive.

8) Use

A virtual private network (VPN) encrypts the
data between your device and the internet. An open connection can leak out
information hackers can use to penetrate your system, but a VPN ensures that
your device’s identity is protected and your data is safe from prying eyes.

A VPN is a must-add to your small business
network if:

  • You allow employees to bring their
    own devices and connect to the business network
  • Your employees are mostly remote
  • Your employees travel to different
    locations and connect to different networks

Creating A Small Business Network
From Scratch

Small businesses don’t always have small
needs. Don’t underestimate your performance and cybersecurity requirements.
Scheduling a network audit is the first step to creating a business network
that works for you and your team.

Talk to your team and discuss any pain points
you have regarding file sharing, security, and processing speed. Discovering
your main bottlenecks will help you unlock a small business network that’s
perfect for your business goals.