Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Book Lists | WWEnd

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See how BookTrackr lets you customize WWEnd to reflect YOUR reading history. BookTrackr highlights the books you’ve read, your favorites, what you’re reading now and what you want to read next.

In our quest to bring you the best books in Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror we’ve expanded our database beyond the confines of the 16 awards we already cover. But where else do you go to find great books besides the awards? Well, it turns out that SF/F/H fans like to make lists of the books they read and want to share and there are many great lists to choose from.

We’ve also created our own WWEnd Lists. These are derived from our own data and will grow and change as our data does. The WWEnd Resources section has some handy tools for finding books too.

We’ll be bringing you new lists from time to time so you’ll never run out of books to read. If you’re a member you can follow along with BookTrackr™ and see how you match up.

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