Sài Gòn Yo! (2011) – IMDb

A great movie! So here’s the storyline; a young, innocent ribbon dancer from the countryside moves developing, populated Ho Chi Minh City to pursue a career in dance. Here she is introduced to the busy city life of modern 21st Century Vietnam including its dance and pop youth culture. She befriends a young streetdancer part of a dance crew- Saigon Fresh which rivals dance crew- North Killers from Hanoi.

Its an interesting movie, probably the first to portray break dancing from Vietnam and it has an appealing enough plot to keep you watching. Not only that, the youth-pop-dance scene most popular in American (NY) movies such as “Step Up”, etc. is portrayed with a lot of authenticity and skill. It’s a bit clique but who cares- the characters, plot, choreography is quite impressive!