SQL Server Business Intelligence Overview

About the authors

Bret Stateham

Bret is a consultant based in Ramona, CA. Bret has over 20 years of experience in the IT field, and over a decade of experience as a trainer. He is a published author having contributed to multiple Syngress publications. He is also frequent speaker at regional events such as Code Camps and user groups. He focuses primarily on SQL Server, but is an expert in .NET development as well as SharePoint development, configuration and administration.

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Dan Sullivan

Dan is an independent consultant, author, and speaker. He likes data; pointy data, rectangular data, even data just lying around on the floor. He is a co-author of the book “A Developers Guide to SQL Server 2005”.
His articles have been published in MSDN Magazine and SQL Server Magazine and he has spoken at WinDev, Microsoft events, as well as to various developer groups.

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Scott Allen

Scott has worked on everything from 8-bit embedded devices to large scale web sites
during his 15+ years in commercial software development. Since 2001, Scott has
focused on server-side and web technologies, like ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX,
Windows Workflow, Silverlight, and LINQ. Scott is also a speaker at
national conferences like VSLive!, as well as code camps and user
groups near his hometown of Hagerstown, MD.
Scott has been recognized as a Microsoft MVP since 2005, and has written or
co-… moreauthored several books on Microsoft technologies. Scott founded the
site OdeToCode.com in 2004, and joined Pluralsight in 2007.

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