SPAN® Panel | A smarter electrical panel

Unlike a traditional electrical panel, SPAN Panel gives you circuit-level control and provides actionable insights into how energy is being used in your home. With the SPAN Home app, you get real-time insight into which circuits and appliances are consuming the most energy, as well as the ability to shut off any circuit in the home at a moment’s notice⁠—even when you’re away.

When paired with solar and battery storage, SPAN makes your home more self-reliant and helps you endure even the most severe power outages by enabling more flexible backup. With SPAN, you can extend your backup duration by powering only the circuits you need during an outage, and none of the ones you don’t.

Finally, SPAN Panel enables high-value electrification upgrades (induction stoves, heat pumps, EV chargers, etc.) that help you move away from gas appliances and prepare your home for an all-electric future.