SEO in 2022: The Definitive Guide

Publish Content Hubs

Content hubs are essentially a bunch of related content that cover a specific topic.

But instead of linking together random blog posts, you present them as entries in a single “hub”.

And create a hub homepage for the hub.

Backlinko – Content Marketing Hub

To date, we’ve published three content hubs here at Backlinko:

And they’ve done SUPER well.

In fact, the pages that make up The Content Marketing Hub alone bring in 26,438 visitors every month.

Backlinko – Hub pages – Monthly traffic

These hubs do double duty for your site’s SEO.

First, hubs are the type of “WOW” content that gets people sharing and linking to you.

Very few people are willing to put in the work required to create a content hub. So when you do, you’ll instantly stand out.

Content Marketing Hub – Twitter share

Second, your hub pages are strategically designed to rank for lots of definition keywords.

For example, one of our SEO Marketing Hub entries is optimized around the term “LSI keywords”.

Backlinko – SEO Hub – LSI keywords

And when I say “optimized” I don’t just mean using my keyword in my title tag.

The content is 1000% optimized for search intent.

For example, someone searching for “LSI keywords” probably wants to know the basics. Like what it is and why it’s important for SEO.

And each entry is structured to give people a primer on that topic.

LSI keywords post – Entries