Russia as a Top Travel Destination in the World • Megan & Aram | Travel Blog

Many may have different doubts while preparing for the vacation. The largest of all is usually connected to the selection of the right destination. There are indeed many offers, and you can visit a large number of places in the country and abroad.

These might be more or less spectacular so you can experience different sorts of things. You may organize just an ordinary vacation, or you may create something much better than that.

For an exceptional traveling experience, it is the most important thing to choose some unique and special destinations. Many places and countries are quite similar to each other so there is nothing remarkable to see and explore there.

However, some destinations indeed provide such possibilities so it is best to choose one of these. 

places to visit in moscow russia Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

places to visit in moscow russia Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

A Large Number of Tourist Gems

Russia is, for example, one of such tourist locations. There are many unique and extraordinary places within the borders of the country so you can truly explore magnificent things.

Russia was, however, closed for foreign travelers for decades. It occurred during the Communist era in the country so it was very hard to come in and out.

The beautiful destination stayed hidden from the eyes of a tourist throughout those years. However, the situation is totally different now and Russia is open for virtually anyone. 

Procedure for Getting Visa

Regular travelers only need a tourist visa to enter the borders of the country. It is usually possible to get such a travel document in the Russian embassy or consulate in your home country.

The procedure is generally simple and fast which means you can get a Russia visa in a quite simple way. The authorities might ask you to provide a few simple documents, such as a valid passport, several photographs of yourself, and an inviting letter.

You might also be required to file appropriate forms with necessary details, and that’s usually that. 

At the end of the process, you will maybe also need to pay some symbolic visa fee. The amount is usually low, and it typically ranges somewhere around a few dozens of US dollars.

By completing that step, you have finished your application, and it is now time to wait for your travel document. It generally takes a few days to maximally a few weeks for the visa to be issued to the applicant.

When you get the document, you are free to visit the destinations. That means traveling to Russia is quite the same as traveling to any other country in the world. It is a very small effort, comparing the potential of this destination. 

russian state library moscowrussian state library moscow

Remarkable Monuments and Objects

There are big cities with amazing and unique monuments and structures. The architecture of these is different from anything you have seen somewhere else before.

These might be quite cold during the winter days, and that geographical position provides additional magic to the locations. Russia also has great summer resorts with short and warm winters and long hot seasons.

You can enjoy different water sports on long and big beaches in those places. If it gets too hot, you can always relocate to some of the colder areas within the borders of Russia. 

Biggest Territory in the World

The country has the biggest territory in the world and the large size provides many possibilities to travelers. It stretches from North Europe to the Far East in Asia.

Russia, therefore, borders many countries in the West and East. It includes Finland, Norway, Poland, Ukraine, Mongolia, China, Japan, and the United States among others.

There are warm south areas on the coast of the Black Sea, but there are also those very cold regions in Siberia with constant winters. The biggest part of Russia is, however, somewhere in between with a solid summer and cold winter seasons.

The large territory provides many natural beauties and wonders. Russia, is, for example, the home of the biggest lakes in the world, such as the Caspian Sea and Baikal Lake.

There are also big and high mountains and ski resorts. These are excellent for different winter sports and expeditions. 

Many Interesting Possibilities in Large Cities

If you want to explore, however, Russian cuisine and nightlife, big cities, such as Moscow, and Saint Petersburg would be the ideal solution for your needs. There are numerous restaurants and nightclubs where you can enjoy and taste that side of the country.