Run A Network Server | Helium Documentation

Host Your Own Console

The Helium Network is unique in that it provides public wireless infrastructure for privately
operated LoRaWAN Network Servers. Details about how Helium blockchain primitives interoperate with
LoRaWAN routing can be read about here.

In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide on actually getting a LoRaWAN Network Server
(LNS) based on Helium’s open-source Console up and running.

  • buy an OUI
  • run Console
  • deploy Console
  • Optionally debug with sniffer to
    confirm router runtime behavior using a virtual LoRaWAN device and a software-based protocol
  • Router benchmarking for load &
    capacity of real LoRaWAN traffic in an isolated environment

    • Use this to help determine size of server instance to deploy
    • This document also gives insight to interactions of console, router, gateways, organizations,
      devices and wallets as used in production

Before pursuing this configuration though, it is worth considering.

Do I need to own my own OUI and operate my own Console?

  • If you are developing a few prototype devices, it might not be time to operate a network server.
    Helium Foundation hosts and operates Console where you can easily
    manage devices (up to 10) for a organization without dealing with OUI management; you only pay for
    packets and new accounts start with free 250 Data Credits (DC). To go beyond 10 devices check out
    Console Hosting Providers here.

  • The initial costs to host your own Console is U.S. $900 or 90 million DC (OUI costs 10 million DC,
    and 80 million DC for the smallest address slab).


For a video tutorial on setting up your own instance of Console, check out our Tips and Tricks video