| Where hams in Rochester Rock!!!

This site was set up to inform, educate and most of all, a place to go to share information with what is going on with the ROC-HAM EchoLink conference. The ROC-HAM Conference just celebrated a year of its inception.

The ROC-HAM Conference was born out of an ideal for a place for hams to go and share info, keep up to date with special events that goes on throughout the year on the conference.

Since I’ve been licensed I’ve always wanted an EchoLink Conference, well after 5 years and many hours of hard work it paid off.
Now there is a permanent home for the “WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY and HEDY LAMARR” Special events that have been going on for the last 7 years and respectively as well as the last 6 years.

This site is to foster the ham radio arts, bring people together, share experiences, and learn new technologies along the way. Meet some amazing people from all over the world, and most importantly, HAVE FUN ALONG THE WAY.

The ROC-HAM Conference is node number 531091 on the ECHOLINK system and on ALLSTAR system nodes 2585, 47620, 47918, 53130 and 53131. Also on DMR TGIF Talk Group 2585.

The ROC-HAM Conference also has a dedicated YOUTUBE channel named “WORLD AMATEUR RADIO DAY”.
That channel will have live streaming audio from special events that the “ROC” will be hosting and sometimes you just might hear a live feed of a net that is on the “ROC”.

There are great videos to watch.

The “ROC” has nets from 7:30am thru late in the evening, Monday – Sunday. Whatever time of day it is, you are sure to find stations from all over the world connected sharing their stories and comments.

The “ROC” is located in Rochester, NY. I’m on the southern tip of Lake Ontario, home of a famous film maker and of course home to Susan B. Anthony, famous for her own achievements.

There is a lot of great info on this site, and along the way it will grow with content that most hams will find useful.

Thank you for coming to the site, hope you enjoy it.