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Don’t need to say more, lu xun zhi-wen wang played extremely vivid, in this long repressed film, lu xun is almost the most popular figures, as long as he played, underneath there is laughter.Thanks to all of those years full memorized by lu xun.Xu guangping is generally a better mousetrap, already don’t like xiao hong, as a woman who knowReplica Gucci Hats for sale wisely, trying to suppress the don’t like.But in now, xiao tang, Xu Guang pp.47-53 Lorelei, a genius is dainty and lovable woman writer, is a magnificent, look unattractive middle-aged women, xu look like xiao hong’s mother in the movie, actually two people only sent his preteens.As such, may also be influenced by MeiZhi memoirs, she said “when the pain of her only to talk to Mr Xu, Mr Xu instead of her mother”.
A film with xiao hong as protagonist, all natural foil to her.Three-hour long movi

ovie is based on her work, xiao hong is playing, she with DuanMuHongLiang public relations, announced their babies die, then passionately about their clothes. Don’t need to say more, lu xun zhi-wen wang played extremely vivid, in this long repressed film, lu xun is almost the most popular figures, as long as he played, underneath there is laughter.Thanks to all of those years full memorized by lu xun.Xu guangping is generally a better mousetrap, already don’t like xiao hong, as a woman who knowwisely, trying to suppress the don’t like.But in now, xiao tang, Xu Guang pp.47-53 Lorelei, a genius is dainty and lovable woman writer, is a magnificent, look unattractive middle-aged women, xu look like xiao hong’s mother in the movie, actually two people only sent his preteens.As such, may also be influenced by MeiZhi memoirs, she said “when the pain of her only to talk to Mr Xu, Mr Xu instead of her mother”. A film with xiao hong as protagonist, all natural foil to her.Three-hour long movi