Reinstall Wired Network and more … – Debian User Forums



by bkpsusmitaa » 2020-06-30 14:35

p.H wrote:

bkpsusmitaa wrote:In that case, Debian should be contacted, as it was Debian Wiki page, link given, that was sincerely followed.

No, the page is correct. Readers should read more carefully.

If you want NetworkManager to handle interfaces that are enabled in /etc/network/interfaces:

If and only if. Did you have a valid reason for keeping them enabled in /etc/network/interfaces ?

No, the page is correct. Readers should read more carefully.and only. Did you have a valid reason for keeping them enabled in /etc/network/interfaces ?

See, Mr. p.H, I have already told you way back that you are an excellent teacher material. Which means that you have already been placed on a higher pedestal. But your were rarely available at the time in 2017. And my needs are minimal. Also, when you make observations, you should consider that you are teaching. If If means Iff then you are to explain the same to your listeners. Especially, when the issue has been solved.
So, please Fire. I would try to catch your line of reasoning. But you should also remember that the issue is considered solved.
If your plan could increase the Broadband speed by many times, I shall indeed be interested!

But to ask the obvious questions (after you have replied to the above points):

(1) How did you learn that the package dhclient is a command, not a package? (this is just a rhetorical question, as Synaptic would help find this answer. That is, dhclient searched with “Name and Description” shall yield isc-dhcp-common, and similarly, search with string isc-dhcp-common yields isc-dhcp-client)
(2) That the package is isc-dhcp-client? (also, semi-rhetorical; there are these dependencies, isc-dhcp-common, -client, -client-ddns and -relay. Then I have to search which among the three are installed in my system)
(3) That isc-dhcp-client with -common is installed during the system’s installation? This query appears pertinent.

Even the

Okay, now to come back to the main issue: my executing ifconfig -a doesn’t show eth0. It only displays enp1s0:, lo: and wlp2s0:

Question: How to restore eth0?

I reverted to “false” in

Code: Select all

# systemctl status networking.service

Process: 11810 ExecStart=/sbin/ifup -a –read-environment (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Process: 11805 ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c [ “$CONFIGURE_INTERFACES” != “no” ] && [ -n “$(ifquery –read-enviro
Main PID: 11810 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)


date-time-pcname removed systemd[1]: networking.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILU
date-time-pcname removed systemd[1]: Failed to start Raise network interfaces.
date-time-pcname removed systemd[1]: networking.service: Unit entered failed state.
date-time-pcname removed systemd[1]: networking.service: Failed with result ‘exit-code’.

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# ifconfig eth0 up

eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device

Restored the eth0 using the advice from here:


1. change from current enp0s3 to old network interfaces naming convention eth0. To do so with administrative privileges edit the /etc/default/grub file and change the following line:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=”net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0″


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# sudo update-grub

3. edit the /etc/network/interfaces file and set eth0 network interface to obtain the IP address from DHCP:

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

4. Restart eth0 interface:

Code: Select all

#  sudo ifdown --force eth0

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# sudo ifup eth0

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# sudo ifconfig -a

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sudo systemctl status networking.service

1. change from current enp0s3 to old network interfaces naming convention eth0. To do so with administrative privileges edit the /etc/default/grub file and change the following line:FROM:GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=””TO:GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=”net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0″2., then reboot. It ruined my Debian menu-list, but it can be restored hopefully.3. edit the /etc/network/interfaces file and set eth0 network interface to obtain the IP address from DHCP:4. Restart eth0 interface:5.6.

Ethernet eth0 is restored as “

ifupdown (eth0)

“, but this appears cosmetic, not the natural “Wired connection 1” like in Debian Systems.


What difference does it make in naming the interface as eth0 or enp1s0?

Also, I checked my own laptop HP. There I confirmed that the line

So while installing the OS dhcp sets up these parameters. Then


how to get back the default params?




the problem of managing the network. Got the Default Parameters back. Made it unmanaged.
The process:
In the file:



Code: Select all

# sudo systemctl status networking.service

I then reinstalled the isc-dhcp-client with its accompanying -common packages and re-ran

Code: Select all

# sudo dhclient eth0

Code: Select all

# sudo ifconfig eth0 up

Code: Select all

#  sudo ifdown --force eth0

Code: Select all

# sudo ifup eth0

Code: Select all

sudo systemctl status networking.service

network-manager and network-manager-gnome. But only Wi-Fi can be handled by user (me) now. eth0 is unmanaged.

(1) How do I get back the default bubble Wired Connection 1 using left-click over Network Manager Gnome System Tray Icon?
(2) Then how can I switch OFF and ON the wired Connection from network-manager-gnome System Tray Icon?

This are the last mile questions.

See, Mr. p.H, I have already told you way back that you are an excellent teacher material. Which means that you have already been placed on a higher pedestal. But your were rarely available at the time in 2017. And my needs are minimal. Also, when you make observations, you should consider that you are teaching. If If means Iff then you are to explain the same to your listeners. Especially, when the issue has been solved.So, please Fire. I would try to catch your line of reasoning. But you should also remember that the issue is considered solved.If your plan could increase the Broadband speed by many times, I shall indeed be interested!(1) How did you learn that the package dhclient is a command, not a package? (this is just a rhetorical question, as Synaptic would help find this answer. That is, dhclient searched with “Name and Description” shall yield isc-dhcp-common, and similarly, search with string isc-dhcp-common yields isc-dhcp-client)(2) That the package is? (also, semi-rhetorical; there are these dependencies, isc-dhcp-common, -client, -client-ddns and -relay. Then I have to search which among the three are installed in my system)(3) Thatwith -common is installed during the system’s installation? This query appears pertinent.Even the man pages don’t.Okay, now to come back to the main issue: my executing ifconfig -a doesn’t show eth0. It only displaysandHow to restore eth0?I reverted to “false” inand ranSalient outputs:andRestored the eth0 using the advice from here: How to switch back networking to /etc/network/interfaces on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa Linux Ethernet eth0 is restored as “”, but this appears cosmetic, not the natural “Wired connection 1” like in Debian Systems.What difference does it make in naming the interface asorAlso, I checked my own laptop HP. There I confirmed that the linehas the ‘false’ switch.So while installing the OS dhcp sets up these parameters. Thenhow to get back the default params?Yes,the problem of managing the network. Got the Default Parameters back. Made it unmanaged.The process:In the file:Made:Then:has only W-Fi connection left.I then reinstalled thewith its accompanyingpackages and re-ranThen,. I believe one could also run:andthenNow the Network is restored but unmanaged by Network Manager. I reinstalledand. But only Wi-Fi can be handled by user (me) now. eth0 is unmanaged.Now:(1) How do I get back the default bubbleusingoverIcon?(2) Then how can I switch OFF and ON the wired Connection from network-manager-gnome System Tray Icon?