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Recently bought a Wii U and I’ve been trying to link my NNID. I entered in all the correct information and recieved an error code (102-2591) stating

This Nintendo Network ID has already been linked to another Wii U console.

So then I logged into to try and unlink it. Then I got another message saying

If you remove a service’s authorization, that service will become unusable. If you decide you want to use a deauthorized service again, you will need to reauthorize Nintendo to share your information with it.

You have not authorized any third-party services.

…Okay. Apparently I can change this by logging into Nintendo’s other accounts page ( and I can’t, because apparently there was a data breach about a year ago, causing Nintendo to stop letting people sign in with their NNID.

Am I screwed? I have some Wii U games purchased on my NNID that I’d like to redownload. I’ll give Nintendo’s support hotline a call soon. Any additional advice or thoughts would be helpful.