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Greetings once again gainers,

Work has afforded me a lot of downtime, so I’ve been reading a fair amount of books and articles on the subject of gaining weight and wanted to share them here as a quick reference.



First comes by way of the Metroflex Powerlifting Basics book which, if you haven’t read it, I HIGHLY recommend it. It pretty much gives you all the tools to train for getting bigger and stronger. The nutrition section is VERY fleshed out, and reproducing it here would be tedious and unethical, but the bulking diet examples are fantastic. It was used by the author as a 17 year old to go from 180lbs to 210lbs in 3 months.

Meal #1

  • 8 whole eggs

  • 8 oz. ground sirloin

  • 4 cups uncooked oatmeal

  • 2 slices of toast with butter

  • 16 oz whole milk

Meal #2

  • 16 oz steak or burger

  • 2 baked potatoes fully loaded (butter, sour cream, cheese)

  • 8 oz fibrous vegetables

  • 16 oz milk

Meal #3

  • 4 slices of bread with 4 tbs of peanut butter (add honey or jelly if desired)

  • 16 oz milk

Meal #4

  • Same as #2


  • Home made protein drink of 16 oz milk, 3 scoops ice cream, 1 cup egg beaters, add honey if desired.

Meal #6

  • Same as meal#3

  • A healthier option is presented as such

Meal #1

  • 12 egg whites, 3 yolks

  • 4 slices dry toast

  • 2 cups dry oatmeal

  • 50 gm low carb protein drink

Meal #2

  • 12 oz lean meat (chicken breast, turkey breast, buffalo, venison, lean beef)

  • 2 plain baked potatoes

  • 8 oz fibrous vegetables

Meal #3

  • 1 cup almonds

  • 50 gm low carb protein drink

Meal #4

  • Same as #2

Meal #5

  • Same as #2


Jim advocates 1.5lbs of ground beef and a dozen eggs everyday. You can eat whatever you want on top of that, but those foods MUST be eaten.

5/3/1 BBB 3 month challenge


  • 6 whole eggs (scrambled with cheese or hard boiled)

  • 1-2 cups oatmeal

  • 1 apple


  • 10 oz. steak

  • 6-8 red potatoes

  • Bag of steamed vegetables

Lunch 2

  • 2 chicken breasts

  • 2 cups Spanish rice

  • Bag of steamed vegetables


  • 2 chicken breasts (or 10 oz. steak)

  • Large bowl of pasta and marinara sauce

  • Bag of steamed vegetables


Chase Karnes is a fount of knowledge on the subject on elitefts, so I’m going to link/summarize a lot of his articles here. The tips I include below are NOT going to include the full text of the article, so please read the link.

5 Quick and Easy Way to Add Calories

  • Dark Chocolate

  • Cheese Curds

  • Heavy Whipping Cream

  • Fattier Ground Beef

  • Oatmeal and Peanut Butter

Forgotten Bulking Ideas of the Past

  • Wake And Shake

  • PBJ on White Bread

  • Bagels, PB, Bananas and Honey

  • Tuna and Egg Patties

  • Milk at every meal

6 Simple Ways to Increase Your Daily Caloires

  • Gallon of Milk a Day

  • Oils

  • Butter

  • Walnut and Prunes

  • Hamburger/Tuna Helper

  • Double Potatoes

AND for you self-professed hardgainers (different author here)…

Dirty Bulking The XXX Edition

  • Eat only the fattiest cuts of meat

  • Put Pie Filling on things

  • Use butter and rice

  • Use honey

  • Eat pizza and olive oil

  • Eat eggs and peanut butter

  • Eat ice cream and protein powder

  • Eat weight gainer gravy

  • Eat donuts

  • Have desserts

HAPPY GAINING. I’ll post/update as time goes by, but this is a good starting point for now.