Reddit – Dive into anything

Not sure if this is the place to post it, but I figured i’ll give it a shot.

I have just recently gotten into PC gaming (ie. less than a week) with my laptop. It is by no means a great laptop, but it can play most non-brand new games on medium 720p.


The one thing that I noticed is that I find it really difficult to use a keyboard accurately, so I use a lot of the keys on my mouse. I really enjoy that, and would like to find a mouse that has a lot of keys as I find that much easier to use. I really don’t care about DPI as I only play competitive multiplayer games about once in a blue moon.

Preferably wireless but I get that might not be an option without breaking the bank. As for price, I’m thinking about $20-30, and I would need 8+ PROGRAMMABLE keys.

Is this a impossible task, or can you guys swoop in and save the day?

EDIT: Yep, it looks like my research proved to be accurate. This is an impossible request. I’m just going to have to Get Gud. Thanks for all the replies, you guys seem to be way more helpful and informative than the rest of Reddit makes you guys out to be.