Recognize and fix the (not set) value in Google Analytics reports

Marketing professionals must have seen the (not set) value replace the actual value in Google Analytics (GA) at times. It indicates that either Google is unable to interpret it or is missing relevant data. As a marketing expert this could pose a challenge because despite the numbers the meaning in unclear and also the manner by which they can be of utility in analysis of data.

Also having a (not set) value in reports indicates an error in the application of website analytics. This is significant in implementation of analytics at the inception and in addition of new functionality. We share some details of some GA reports that might not have (not set) value.

1. Audience reports

2. Traffic Sources reports

3. Behavior reports

4. Conversions reports

1. Audience reports

Geo and Mobile report groups: GA gets automatic data reports via mobile devices, ad identifiers or by cookies etc. As a norm, the (not set) value for 1% visitors is the least in Geo — Mobile location — Devices reports, Geo — Language.


The value on display is for numerous reasons that cannot be influenced such as:

Different kinds of blockers (e.g. AdBlocker among others)

User’s browser has JavaScript disabled

Deleted cookies

Unable to get location as per IP or IP cannot be detected

Technology report group

Another report of interest is Technology — Browser & OS: Whenever a visitor logs online the browser conveys a string with the user id. It has info about the platform from where the request is generated, along with browser data. Google Analytics receives the information that may not be available at times. The result we get in the report includes the (not set) value.

If (not set) values are <5% for total of unique visitors per report it is okay. If the number if higher than 5% check the online traffic because it may be due to spambots. Through use of Measurement Protocol fake hits could be sent to Google Analytics as all needed is the GA resource id.


If you ignore (not set) in the received reports it will cause corruption of data, and transfer fake transactions. Consequently, it will report product views not sold and events not from your site specification.

If data transfer is done from GA to Google Big Query (using either OWOX BI or standard) the data that is fake increases database tables weight. This will cause delays in processing of data with more expenses on processing and storage of data.

2. Traffic Sources reports

It helps to determine efficiency of channels and ad sources. With the reports, revenues and costs for every campaign can be compared with traffic quality analysis that will help to improve sales. If there is a (not set) value in any report it becomes difficult to decide where to make more investments, which campaigns need changing or even ending.


Without foolproof data one cannot retarget efficiently or market to a niche customer category. Similarly such data cannot be used for advanced reports like CLV (customer lifetime value), profits forecast and cohort analysis.

An All Traffic — Source/Channel report will not show (not set) value since sources and channels are identified automatically GA automatically; direct traffic, other site referrals and organic search etc. If you use ad service or a special marketing strategy it requires UTM tagging, which is difficult if the UTM criteria has errors.

The parameters of UTM comprise of code fragments which are part of the URL of an ad message that connect to the target site E.g.


Common UTM code errors causing (not set) in a report include:

A parameters that is incorrectly spelt.

No (=) sign among a value and a parameter.

Values and parameter pairs not segregated with an (&) sign

Different syntax errors: twin question marks, etc.

Campaign reports

For a Campaign — Organic keywords report two types of values maybe seen (not provided) and (not set).


A (not provided) value is as a norm more common in a campaign report. It shows that any visitors has conducted a search with using HTTPS protocol. Therefore Google accordingly has to conceal keyword info in keeping with its privacy policy.

A (not set) value indicated GA cannot precisely determine the request that generated organic traffic to a site. The reasons could be as following:

Some old search systems that withhold keywords info

When using UTM tagging manually neglecting to set the keyword

Reports from Google Ads

Links generated traffic in emails

These reports assist in estimating how effective ads are in GDN (Google Display Network) and inform businesses about user actions after they click on an ad. A (not set) value can help to trim expenses on paid traffic.

Behavior reports

A (not set) value might be seen in Site Content — Landing Pages report.

A Behavior Report indicates the pages where users began sessions. The landing page helps new visitors to familiarize with any website. Look at the bounce rate that shows visitors’ percentage that leave the landing page without any action.


No data in a behavior report means one cannot determine the pages which need to be improved as per high bounce rates

(Not set) can appear in the Behavior reports, if:

1. Any session that ends after half an hour of standby mode or at midnight. All actions post half an hour is considered to be a new session. If in such a session the action is the sole hit a landing page value will show (not set).

2. If a session includes no screen or page views that can happen if a filter is set to delete particular page views or setting of page and screen tracking is incorrect. For help refer to Google Help.

3.If two codes of tracking are used at a time (gtag.js and analytics.js) will result in hits in one session not being linked. Instead use a single code with GA referring to use gtag.js

4. In content grouping reports the presence of a (not set) value could be due to a <title> tag in a page header that can have errors or not created. To identify the pages causing an issue check with the additional page parameter. E.g. If a GA tracking code is launched before a <title> tag reverse the order.

Conversions reports

Helpful in buyer actions analysis and conversions at a site. These reports have useful info about products, transactions, objectives etc.

E-commerce reports group

If a (not set) value appear in an ecommerce — performance report it is not possible to determine most popular products, the lists that need to be tweaked or removed or which should be removed from the site.


Not having precise data makes it impossible to personalize marketing strategies for niche client segments. E.g. it is not possible to set a discount block on any product card, while creating another category for visitors looking for deals when purchasing different products and emailing them special offers.

Generally a (not set) value is seen in ecommerce reports as a result of an advanced ecommerce tracking code does not have values for different parameters like product coupon, order coupon, product list etc. this issues can be remedied by setting advanced ecommerce tracking in a correct way to transfer relevant parameter values and hits to GA.

Goals reports

The Goals — Using a Reverse Goal Report makes it feasible to see the page a visitor accomplished their goal along with 3 pages they visited prior to that.


A (not set) value is always found in this report as a visitor can accomplish their goal in less than 3 steps. When a user visits a website and registers straightaway, steps 2 & 3 show a (not set) value.


A (not set) Value is present in most GA reports, which shows either the data cannot be identified or there is no data. It is caused due to numerous reasons of which some can be found, while others cannot. However, these reasons can be considered when data analysis is done.

Ignoring the (not set) value in a report will be detrimental for a business. No one would like to invest funds in measures that are inefficient. Corruption of data not only lead to inaccurate report interpretation it also causes wrong business decisions.