Rachel Hollis is in hot water for comparing herself to Harriet Tubman, but it’s not the self-help author’s first controversy. Here’s a complete timeline.

Rachel posted about the Black Lives Matter movement on Instagram using a metaphor about tomatoes on June 1, 2020.

rachel hollis tomatoes

Rachel addressed the protests of 2020 on Instagram.


Hollis compared tomatoes growing in a certain environment to racism developing in Americans in her Instagram post.

“I grew these tomatoes. The intense heat of a Texas spring and the fact that I don’t water them as often as I should, means these tomatoes are unique to their environment,” she wrote. “Were they grown in another place or by another gardener they would be different, but how they were grown is in the makeup of what they are. They don’t even know they’re tomatoes.”

“I am also a product of the garden I was grown in — only instead of a certain soil composition, I was raised in a country that taught me through osmosis that different skin tones suggested different values,” she wrote. “I know we cling to the belief that ‘I’m not racist’ or ‘I don’t see color’ because you honestly, probably don’t realize you do. But, if you are a white American, racism is built into your being.”

Rachel then invoked her best friend Brit Barron, who is the author of “Worth It” and a DEI speaker, in the post.

“@britbarron has taught me a lot of things but the greatest gift she has given me has been holding a mirror up to my privilege,” Rachel wrote. “Brit taught me (watch her Ted talk in my bio) to see the history of America through the lens of how long its citizens actively practiced slavery. 400 years.”

“Even if you pretend that racism ended with the civil rights movement back in the late ’60s (which we know it did not) that’s still 400 years, or 3,504,000 hours of practicing and accepting slavery. 3,504,000 hours of white people believing that black people were property. Look at that through the lens of ‘10,000 hours required to be an expert’… that means that America had 350 x 10,000 hour sets. America became an expert at racism 350 times over.”

“If you’re white in America, there’s a good chance you were raised to be a racist whether you know it or not,” Rachel went on to say. “I have racism in me — it’s impossible for me not to have it in me even as I actively work to unlearn what I have learned and reject what I don’t even consciously know is there.”

“What happened to George Floyd is reprehensible. What happened to Ahmaud Arbery is evil. What happened to Stephon Clark, and Trayvon Martin and Eric Garner is a travesty and if those same situations had happened again and again and again — only this time it’s white boys and girls — if these same things had happened to white people endlessly, we would have been rioting in the streets long before now,” she wrote.

Within the HoCo company, Hollis had her staffers attend antiracist training with Barron, though former employees said Hollis herself did not attend. A HoCo spokeswoman told The Times that Hollis had previously gone through the training.