[REVIEW / Language Learning Tool] LANG-8.com

Seriously, I’ve been a member of lang-8.com for years (since Feb 1st 2009) to be exact and I have never blogged about it??!! GOSH. Long story cut short: If you are a language learner, please sign up for lang-8! It’s one of the most effective, simple and best language-exchange site that I’ve come across. The site is an awesome example of a community where people share knowledge and help each other. Basically you write a diary / blog entry and native speakers ( fellow users) correct them for you! ^^ And it’s made easier because they allow correction sentence by sentence, so you actually get to see where you go wrong. If someone corrected it for it, return the favor. ^^

No more dodgy ‘language-exchange’ sites . It’s hard for me to show you exactly how the site works, so just go sign up for an account (it’s free) and get starting!

The best way is actually to keep your entry short. Most people will feel quite daunted if there are presented with like 3 long paragraphs to correct. Keep the content interesting (add some photos) and short. If you have to, break up the entry into a few parts so it makes it easier for the people to correct  ^^

hehe this image is the corrections I’ve gotten from my first ever entry in Lang-8!!! 😀 😀 omg it’s like… 3 years ago. o.o

And this is the correction I’ve gotten today! 😀 Hannah is really awesome, she actually explained to me some of the nuances associated with certain expressions! >< There’re really many nice people in Lang-8!!

Previously, I talked about making a foreign language blog. If you have one, copy and paste your entries to lang-8 too and get them checked! I have been doing that with some of my Japanese entries these days. Personally, I learn from my mistakes in lang-8 but I don’t edit the blog entry later on because I want to retain that authenticity in my blog. But that’s up to your personal preference!

If you are already on Lang-8, add me as a friend / find my entries here!

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