Q- Academy- Business Partner B1+ Workbook KEY – 8 Are you free for dinner this evening Writing 1 1 – Studocu

8 Are you free for dinner this evening



1 Madam
2 inform
3 Further
4 After
5 hesitate
6 questions
7 sincerely

1 D
2 B
3 A
4 E
5 C

Model answer

Good morning Amalia,
Thank you for your email regarding the Digital
Marketing conference.
There are six people attending, so you are all going
by train. My PA is booking the tickets this afternoon
and they can be collected from the ticket office at
the central station.
As there are six people from this company going,
most of the workshops can be attended. I would like
you to attend those which outline new marketing
strategies, please.
I look forward to receiving your report on your

Unit 2



1 image
2 base
3 growth
4 engagement
5 approach
6 history
7 venture
8 loyal

1 brand stretching
2 core business
3 devalue
4 product placement

5 loyalty
6 ultra-luxury
7 interactive marketing

1 product placement
2 brand stretching
3 interactive marketing
4 core business
5 devalue
6 loyalty
7 ultra-luxury



1 First of all 3 For instance is usually followed by
an example.
2 but 3 contrasts what has happened with what
is happening now; and adds information.
3 For example 3 it is followed by an example;
However contrasts information.
4 and 3 adds information; but contrasts it.
5 Although 3 contrasts information; In addition
adds to information given already.
6 as well as 3 adds ideas; to start with begins
a sequence of ideas.
7 In addition 3 adds information; for instance is
followed by an example.
8 However 3 contrasts information and ideas;
also adds information and ideas.

1 b 3 but contrasts ideas.
2 g 3 when contrasts information.
3 h 3 as well as adds information.
4 d 3 while contrasts ideas.
5 e 3 although contrasts information.
6 c 3 and sequences ideas.
7 a 3 however contrasts information.
8 f 3 in addition adds information.

1 a 3 contrasting information
2 a 3 contrasting information
3 b 3 also adds information; although introduces
contrasting information.
4 b 3 then sequences information; for instance
introduces an example.
5 b 3 First of all sequences information; For
instance introduces an example.
b 3 Although contrasts information; Recently
refers to time.
7 a 3 but contrasts information; for example
introduces an example.
8 b 3 In addition adds information; Such as
introduces an example.




1 F 3 It9s not often that I am invited to give a talk on
the radio, so I am delighted to be here.
2 F 3 Having said that, the business has expanded
& to include tops made from cotton, merino wool,
cashmere and silk &
3 T 3 I began to knit and design jumpers for myself
when I was about thirteen.
4 T 3 I sold them in local boutiques &
5 F 3 I needed to learn business skills, so I enrolled
on a course.
6 T 3 & She wore my tops in her TV series and so
I had product placement & It9s great publicity!
7 T 3 I was tempted to stop hand-knitting the
jumpers, but realised that this wasn9t a good idea
as they would no longer be unique.
8 F 3 & I hope to retire somewhere nice and cool
where I can wear my woolly jumpers.

1 b 3 The name is misleading now: the brand has
grown to include tops made from cotton, merino
wool, cashmere and silk.
2 a 3 I couldn9t believe that my tops were so
3 b 3 The jumpers sold themselves because each
one is original.
4 c 3 I was selling the garments in the States and
the UK.
5 d 3 Many clients have since written to say that
they never buy any other tops but mine & it was
then I realised that brand loyalty is really very
6 d 3 We9re looking into a software package that will
take care of it.
7 c 3 I9m planning to retire in a few years9 time so
that9s something to concentrate on.


Functional language


1 tried
2 afraid
3 important
4 would
5 should
6 able

1 talk
2 to take
3 working

4 to give
5 do
6 to reschedule
7 to spend

1 c
2 e
3 b
4 d
5 f
6 a



1 delighted
2 held
3 invited
4 collaboration
5 confirm
6 forward
7 regards

1 Thank you
2 the invitation
3 I'm afraid
4 be unable
5 I hope
6 best regards

Model answer

Dear Mr Schmidt,
Thank you very much for the invitation to the
opening ceremony for your new conference
facilities. My partner and I would be delighted
to accept your invitation.
We very much look forward to seeing you.
Kind regards,
Victor Kreuz

Unit 3



1 employers
2 jobseekers
3 stand out from
4 be of value to
5 come across well
6 clichéd



1 Thank you for your time today.
2 Could you tell me more about the training
3 I haven't had that exact experience.
4 Can I speak to some of the people I would
be working with?
5 I look forward to hearing from you
6 That's a good question.



1 vacancy
2 advertised
3 enclosed
4 degree
5 confident
6 experience
7 asset
8 grateful

Model answer

Dear Ms Arshad,
I am writing to apply for the position of Marketing
Manager advertised on your website.
I hold a master9s degree in International Marketing.
I have been working as a Marketing Manager for
the last three years, as you can see from my CV.
I run a very successful international marketing team
and divide my time between leading my team at the
main office and travelling to our key markets. I feel
that I have all the qualities you require in
a successful candidate.
I have very innovative ideas to offer and a good
track record of putting them into practice. I am
a confident public speaker and provide excellent
I now feel the need to face new challenges and
responsibilities. I believe that the job you have
advertised would suit my skills and abilities.
I would very much appreciate the opportunity
to meet with you and learn more about the role.
I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.
Yours sincerely,

Unit 4



1 takeover
2 opportunities
3 product
4 strategies

5 major

1 b
2 b
3 d
4 a
5 a

1 expand
2 profitable
3 development
4 acquire
5 succeed
6 growth
7 merger
8 risky
9 failure



1 should 3 It is a good idea to do this.
2 must 3 It is necessary to do this.
3 don't have to – It isn't necessary to do this.
4 mustn't 3 This is not allowed/permitted.
5 should 3 It is a good idea to do this.
6 must 3 It is necessary to do this.
7 mustn't 3 This is not allowed/permitted.
8 don't have to 3It isn't necessary to do this.

1 have to 3 will isn9t used with modal verbs. It
is necessary to do this.
2 don9t have to 3 should is used for something that
is a good idea. It isn9t necessary to do this.
3 shouldn9t 3 It9s not a good idea to do this.
4 mustn9t 3 This is not allowed/permitted.
5 should 3 It9s a good idea.
6 have to 3 will isn9t used with modal verbs. It
is necessary to do this.
7 should 3 It is a good idea to do this.
8 mustn9t 3 This is not allowed/permitted.

1 don9t have to 3 It isn9t necessary to do this.
2 must 3 It is necessary to do this.
3 have to 3 It is necessary to do this; will isn9t used
with must or should.
4 shouldn9t 3 It isn9t necessary to do this.
5 have to 3 This has the same meaning as must ;
will isn't used with modal verbs.
6 must 3 It is necessary to do this.
7 should 3 It9s a good idea to do this.
8 mustn't 3 It isn9t allowed/permitted to do this.



1 1 D 3 The first sentence says these are not
strategy; 8either9 refers back to the first example
of what is not strategy.
2 F 3 After saying what is not strategy, this
sentence gives a definition of it. The following
sentence repeats 8unique value9.
3 A 3 This opening sentence continues to define
what value is.
4 E 3 But contrasts with the fact that the company
is small and yet its operating margin of over 15% is
exceptionally high among Japanese manufacturers.
5 C 3 A continuation of the previous paragraph: it is
successful. Also, the topic of babies is linked to the
following sentence.
6 B 3 Topic sentence which introduces a new
theme. The following sentence then echoes the
word market.

1 T 3 & the term is somewhat mysterious
2 F 3 It should aim to provide unique value.
3 F 3 But managers' biggest responsibility is to
draw up a blueprint for building a distinct corporate
4 F 3 But its operating margin of over 15% is
exceptionally high among Japanese manufacturers.
5 T 3 & Pigeon's sales have risen by about 50%
over the past five years, thanks to rapid growth
6 T 3 ' We owe our success to many failures in the
past. '


Functional language


1 A anything, B fine
2 A hand, B Could
3 A Would, B offering
4 A Let, B appreciate
5 A like, B mind

1 exactly
2 How about
3 pick up
4 building on
5 doable
6 sense
7 not sure
8 take this on



1 Due
2 has led
3 so
4 have resulted in
5 As a result
6 because
7 resulting in
8 In order to

Model answer
Report on Current Problems

Our supermarket chain has faced considerable
problems this year. This report aims to outline the
main ones.
Main Problems and Reasons
Our sales figures have fallen considerably. Our
current poor financial outlook is mainly due to the
national economic recession. New government
policies and taxes are making it difficult for
businesses. Therefore, there will have to be some
store closures and, as a consequence, the loss of
a number of jobs.
Moreover, we are now faced with more competition
from discount stores which are offering consumers
prices which we cannot compete with. This has led
to a loss of revenue. However, it is our belief that
these customers will return once the novelty of
discounted food has worn off.
The third factor in the downturn is that
unemployment levels have increased recently.
Technical advances have meant that there is less
need for manual labour. As a result, people have
less money to spend at our stores. This, in turn, has
had an adverse effect on our sales figures.

Unit 5



1 Congestion
2 drones
3 transport
4 damaged
5 retailers
6 packages
7 collection locker

1 collect
2 operate
3 logic


would be arranged and we would have delivery on
However, they still have not been received. We
have contacted you by email, but have not had
a response yet. Also, we have been unable to
make contact with your customer service
department by phone. We have left messages
to which we have yet to receive a response.
As we are long-standing customers of yours, we are
very surprised at this lack of response. We are now
requesting that the chairs be delivered immediately
or receive an explanation as to why this is not
I must inform you that if you do not respond to this
letter immediately, we will be forced to cancel the
order and an order will be placed with another
supplier. However, we sincerely hope that this
situation can be resolved.
We look forward to your prompt response.
Purchasing manager

Unit 6



1 target market
2 set up
3 crowdfunding
4 profit
5 start-up
6 pitch
7 go out of business
8 business angel

1 entrepreneurial
2 invest
3 finance
4 financial
5 advice/advisor
6 fund
7 growth
8 found

1 entrepreneurial
2 investment
3 financial
4 advice
5 funding
6 growth
7 investor
8 founder



1 asked Anna if/whether she had finished preparing
her presentation 3 We often use ask if/whether ,
then change the verb tense. Here the Present
Perfect changes to the Past Perfect.
2 asked (me) what time I wanted to break for lunch
the next/following day 3 me , the object, can be
added in indirect speech, however, it is not always
necessary; tomorrow changes to the next/following
day ; want in the present tense changes to the
Simple Past.
3 asked (me) if/whether I wanted to meet there on
Friday 3 if/whether is used in reported questions;
here becomes there in reported speech; the verb,
want , changes from the Present Simple to the Past
4 asked (me) how I like/liked my coffee 3 You could
use either like as it remains true or liked (Past
Simple) for reported speech depending on the
5 said that she had studied Economics at university
3 change the Past Simple to Past Perfect.
6 said that our/their meeting had been postponed 3
we use our or their depending on who's meeting it
was; Present Perfect Simple tense becomes Past
Perfect Simple.
7 said that we/they had spoken on the phone on
Tuesday 3 we often change the person to the
pronoun and the adverbs of time and place when
we change from direct speech to reported speech;
Past Simple changes to Past Perfect.
8 asked (me) if/whether I enjoyed/enjoy my work 3
we use ask if/whether to report questions; we can
use either enjoy as it remains true or enjoyed
because the verb changes from Present Simple to
Past Simple; you and your becomes I and my.

1 8I9m going to Paris next week,9 he said. 3 He
becomes I and the following becomes next in direct
speech. The Past Simple tense changes to the
Present Simple in direct speech.
2 8Will you be launching the new product soon?
asked Shazia. 3 Would becomes will in direct
3 'Violetta will be taking over from Kasper,' the
Director said. 3 the Past Simple becomes the
Present Simple.
4 'The new e-commerce manager will be starting
work on Monday,' he said. 3 Future tense would
changes to will.
5 'I'll meet you tomorrow,' our client said. 3 The
next day becomes tomorrow and I replaces she ,


me changes to you. Would becomes will in direct
6 8I met the designer yesterday,9 Carol said. 3
Carol changes to I and the day before changes
to yesterday in direct speech.
7 'I started my business in 2012,' the entrepreneur
said. 3 The entrepreneur becomes I and as the
statement is still true, the tense doesn9t change.
8 8Can you help me set up the room for the
meeting?9 I asked (the secretary). 3 If is
unnecessary in direct speech, and could becomes



1 F 3 Linda is the CEO of Ensign.
2 T 3 I9ve always been fascinated by the sea and
marine life and school biology lessons reinforced
that, so I decided that I wanted to become a marine
3 F 3 I took a year off to volunteer on a Greek
island protecting loggerhead turtles.
4 T 3 So was it this experience that made you want
to clean up the water? 3 Yes, that9s right.
5 T 3 Tina had been reading about crowdfunding
and suggested we try it.
6 T 3 & we tried academic institutions, but they
just weren9t interested & they said that our idea
wouldn9t work.
7 F 3 We are making a profit and enough money
to pay ourselves good salaries.
8 F 3 & we have a PA and an engineering
assistant for Tina. We outsource other tasks.
We don9t employ someone to do our accounts,
for example.

1 marine waste
2 seas
3 knowledge
4 degrees
5 academic
6 media sites
7 angel
8 two years
9 profit
10 PA, assistant

A is incorrect because Linda had always been
interested in the sea and the creatures that live in
it and she didn9t say that she wanted to be an
C is incorrect because Tina, not Linda, designed
and built the system. The idea came to Linda while

she was on a Greek island protecting loggerhead
turtles. She didn9t study engineering. Ms. Carlin is
Linda9s business angel. The company specialises
in waste management.

Functional language


1 aware
2 appreciate
3 understand
4 ask
5 say
6 sound
7 have
8 concerns

1 next part
2 hand over
3 a significant
4 details
5 show you
6 notice
7 chart
8 interesting




The speaker said that she was the granddaughter
of Silvana Medici, who had sadly died before she
was born. She said that her grandmother had been
an amazing woman who had begun her catering
business way back in the 1950s as a means of
earning some extra cash for her children. Her
husband had been injured in the war and had died.

Model answer

The speaker9s grandmother began a catering
business in the 1950s, because she needed money
for her children as her husband had died of an
injury sustained in the war. Before the war, she had
worked as a cook in people9s houses, but after the
war, there were fewer jobs for servants.
She needed to earn money and needed a job to
support her children. She decided to use her
culinary skills and began her business by making
popular cakes, preserves, and later desserts. Local
shops and hotels started to make regular orders,
then soon enough a retailer offered her a job. She
accepted and never looked back.



1 d
2 g
3 e
4 a
5 f
6 c
7 h
8 b




1 obvious
2 essential
3 advise
4 would
5 suggest

Model answer

Recently it has become obvious that there are
cross-cultural differences in some of our overseas
teams, causing misunderstandings and affecting
workflow and deadlines. In some of our offices we
have colleagues working from several different
cultures. They generally only visit the overseas
offices for a short period so there isn9t enough time
for them to become fully familiar with each other9s
methods of working, which are often influenced by
their cultural background.
We advise that you try to pair members of staff
together from different cultures to work closely on
projects together. This will enable them to get to
know their colleagues and understand their cultural
differences. We would also recommend that your
arrange cross-cultural training as soon as possible.
This can be resourced outside the company and
there are many training providers which specialise
in this.
It is essential that everyone tries to work together
to overcome this issue and for that reason we
recommend you put these steps into effect
immediately. If these recommendations do not have
the desired effect, we suggest that you appoint
a member of staff with a cross-cultural background
to oversee any projects affected. He or she can
then implement a suitable cross-cultural workflow.

Unit 8



1 delegate
2 responsibility
3 prioritise
4 team
5 win
6 task

1 trust (trust a person, prioritise things)
2 responsibility (be responsible for, make decisions
and delegate)
3 team (build a team, do a task)
4 decisions (key decisions 3 collocation)
5 set (set goals 3 collocation)
6 give (give instructions 3
7 standard (collocation 3 high standard)
8 constructive (constructive feedback 3 collocation)

1 A good manager knows when to delegate tasks.
2 As a manager you have to cope with running your
3 A manager must be able to make key decisions.
4 It's important for a new manager to gain respect.
5 You need to set goals and work towards them.
6 If we make an effort, we can complete the project
on time.



1 f
2 b
3 e
4 c
5 g
6 d
7 a

1 where 3 D
2 who 3 ND
3 when 3 D
4 whose 3 ND
5 that 3 D
6 when 3 D
7 whose 3 ND



1 who
2 whose
3 when
4 whose
5 which
6 when
7 who
8 where



Type 1:
1 b
2 a
3 b
4 b
5 a
Type 2:
1 a
2 a
3 a
4 b
5 b
Type 3:
1 a
2 a
3 a
4 b
5 a

Speaker 1: Democratic
Speaker 2: Delegative
Speaker 3: Authoritarian

Functional language


1 saying is that
2 in future if
3 could have asked
4 I don9t think
5 really impressed with
6 good that you
7 your responsibility
8 very good job

1 c
2 e
3 a
4 h
5 b
6 g
7 f

8 d

1 b
2 e
3 a
4 d
5 c
6 a
7 b
8 e



1 inform
2 consensus
3 agreed
4 know
5 announce

Model answer

From: Juan Blunt CEO
To: All managers
Subject: Board meeting decision
This is to inform you of the decisions made
at yesterday9s board meeting about our export
department and its future.
First of all, we agreed to open more overseas
offices in the countries we export to. This should
take the pressure off our Export Manager. We
made this decision because of our rapid growth
in this area. The offices will initially be staffed by
managers in our headquarters until we can recruit
local managers who are familiar with the various
Secondly, we finally reached a consensus
regarding the training programmes we need to
implement. We have decided that all senior
managers should be given language courses as
needed in the languages they will be liaising in. We
would ideally like to appoint native speakers of the
languages, but for the moment we are limited in
what we can do. As this is a matter of urgency,
training will start next month.
Our final decision was to appoint Consuela
Martinez as National Sales Manager to take over
from Mr Branch who is leaving the company next


18 decide
19 straight
20 street

Speaker 1 C
Speaker 2 A
Speaker 3 D
Speaker 4 B

1 OK ³
2 OK ±
3 OK ³
4 OK ±

Unit 5


With the orders packed, / they are ready to leave
the warehouse / and begin the next stage in the
process / 3 delivery to the customer. / Delivery can
be undertaken by the postal service / or by courier
companies. / Frequently, / customers are able to
track the progress of their package online. /
Consumers enjoy the convenience of having goods
delivered to their homes. / Of course, / customers
are not always at home to receive their package. /
One solution is to use these: / they are called
collection lockers. / Packages can be left inside /
and the customer can pick them up at any time /
by entering a PIN number. /
The logistics that e-commerce relies upon / are
developing all the time. / In the future, / we may see
some changes in the way our online shopping is
This robot / has been designed to deliver packages.
/ Customers can arrange to collect their goods from
the robot / via a mobile app. / Some companies /
are also considering using drones to transport
goods to customers.

1 Logistics can be defined as the business of
transporting things to the place where they9re
2 The advertisement9s been viewed 85 million
3 A self-driving lorry9s already been designed.
4 Drivers9ll be given new tasks.
5 The driver9ll be able to get out of the truck and
rest while it9s unloaded and loaded.
6 Drivers aren9t going to be made completely
7 This robot9s been designed to deliver packages.
8 When the orders have been packed, they9re
delivered to the customer.


The advertisement with the splits stunt was made to
demonstrate the effectiveness of the steering
2 Self-driving systems for lorries and buses have
been developed.
3 Drivers aren9t going to be made completely
4 This robot9s been designed to deliver packages.
5 Experiments are being conducted with drones.
6 When the orders have been packed, they9re
delivered to the customer.
7 Goods can be collected from the robot via
a mobile app.
8 Logistics can be defined as the business of
transporting things to the place where they9re

Unit 6


1 at the top_of the building
2 linked_in to the system
3 it lasts_a week_or two
4 this is the fourth_attempt
5 do you feel_OK?
6 more than seven_hours later
7 set_off _an_alarm
8 watch_all the programmes

1 Under what circumstances would you start_a
2 What would be the right kind_of business for you?
3 What_are the three biggest_attractions
and_disadvantages_of running your_own
4 The amount_of business done_over_a period_of
time_is called turnover.
5 Demand_is the need_or desire that people have
for particular goods_and services.
6 What_are some_of the difficulties_of the fast
growth_of_a start-up like Fairphone?
7 A business angel_is someone who gives_a
business money, often_in_exchange for_a share of
the company.
8 What types_of consumers might be interested_in
buying your products_or services?
9 The company reduces_its impact_on the
environment by recycling minerals.
10 Which_of the business_ideas would you



1 This morning | I9d like to give you a quick update
on the progress we9ve made so far.
2 If you look at this bar chart, | you can see how the
markets compare.
3 These figures | give a clear indication of how
sales have grown.
4 On this slide | you can see a summary of what
I9ve told you so far.
5 Next, | let9s move on to customer age
6 What9s especially interesting in this chart | is the
left-hand column.
7 I9d like to finish | by showing you a forecast for the
next six months.
8 If you have any questions, | I9ll be very happy to
answer them.

Unit 7


1 Things were going well in 2007, which is when
Pawel moved to the States.
2 But he9d only been there a year when the
economic crisis happened.
3 It was the first time he9d lived abroad, and he
immediately noticed lots of small differences.
4 When he was talking to people, he realised that
communication was much faster.
5 While he was walking to the office, he saw
sidewalks that suddenly ended in the middle of
6 He9d never seen anything like that before, so he
was pretty surprised.
7 He hadn9t worked for a global corporation before,
and he found the style of communication rather
8 Because he hadn9t been to the States before, he
wasn9t used to distances being measured in

1 As for me
2 I think the process is important
3 but not as important as the result
4 if the group can9t reach a decision
5 the person responsible has to make one
6 deadlines can be moved around
7 but only if they really have to be
8 I think once decisions have been made
9 you should respect them
10 even if you don9t agree with them

1 As S for W me, I think the W process is S
important, yes, but not as W important as W
the W result.

2 If the W group can9t reach a W decision, the
W person responsible has S to W make one.
3 Deadlines can S be moved around, but only if
they really have S to W be.
4 I think once decisions have W been W made, you
should respect them W, even if you don9t agree with
them W.
5 It9s good to W reach a W consensus if you W can
S, but it isn9t always possible.
6 If you W want to W be perceived as W competent,
you W should respect deadlines.
7 Decisiveness is even more important than W
8 You W should act as W a W group, even if there
W are W disagreements in the W group.

Unit 8


1 t
2 glottal stop
3 t
4 glottal stop
5 glottal stop
6 t
7 glottal stop
8 glottal stop

1 Just got a taste of what it9s like to be in charge.
2 To what extent is it entertainment and to what
extent is it educational?
3 A good manager knows when to delegate jobs.
4 The new manager is finding it hard to win his
staff9s respect.
5 Making tough decisions is an essential part
of leadership.
6 Staff aren9t going to trust you if you don9t care
about what they think.
7 I9m not sure you9re right this time.
8 In what ways can a manager set an example for
the team?

1 The meeting, which was scheduled to start at
10 o9clock, was delayed by half an hour.
2 The room where the meeting was due to be held
hadn9t been cleaned or prepared.
3 We need staff who can adapt to changing
4 My friend and colleague, who works in the next
office, is away on a training course.
5 One of the managers, who has worked here for
over 30 years, is retiring next month.
6 Is it possible for people who have a fixed mindset
to change it how they think?