Private Blog Network Hosting – Action Network

An Overview of a Private Blog network (PBN)

There are several ways to establish a private blog network. It is possible to have a private network of free blogs such as or to give some examples. However, so habitual, free blogs are not as strong as those that provide their own accommodation.

For the matter for this article, we start from the basis that it is not free blogs. In this case, the blog network is created on expired domains. These domains were linked to websites once with a specific purpose. For one or other reason, they ended by their owner who decided not to proceed with their renewal. However, these domains continue to have a far more important residual value than the content itself i.e. the backlinks from other websites with authority.

Public Blog Networks

In the pre-Panda and pre-Penguin era, there used to be the networks of public blogs. Those networks allowed anyone who wished to buy links or guest post. In early 2012, Google decided to start deindexign the links of some of those public networks. Deindexation began to subtract any value to the aforementioned websites. These networks were very easy to identify by Google as they were public and accessible to anyone.

Why should we create a private network of blogs?

You would be who control the content and backlinks. This means you can create and alter the content that best fits your niche. And what is more important, you can vary the different anchor texts pointing to the website that you want to rank. The advantages of having a private blog network pointing to your main project is that it has more authority than a newly created domain which gives more force.

Why to have authority expired domains?

There are two main reasons why an expired domain transmits more force. The first and least important is that Google gives some value to the age of the domain. If you find a domain whose life is traced from e.g. 2008, this domain will usually have more authority than one that has been created in 2014. The second and more important reason is that an expired domain can have backlinks pointing to it.

How to find expired domains? for further information.

To find high quality expired domains is a long and arduous process. There are websites where you can find domains manually, but there are several thousand domains that are not renewed daily and only a small fraction of these are really valuable to us and finding them will take a long time without warranty of success. Here persistence and patience are the keys to success while there are some tools also available to make your search easy. Please, visitfor further information.