Preferential privileges for corporate clients using digital products BIDV iBank and BIDV iConnect

On the desire for carrying modern digital banking solutions with reasonable cost and diverse utilities to all corporate clients, BIDV offers the promotion program “Touch one, get thousands offers” for corporate clients using digital products BIDV iBank and BIDV iConnect.

BIDV iBank and BIDV iConnect are two new generation digital banking services developed by BIDV for corporate clients. With BIDV iBank, clients could utilize all online banking services conveniently, quickly and smoothly on two platforms, website and mobile app. In the meantime, BIDV iConnect supports clients to utilize banking services directly on their financial/accounting management software without the necessity of the third-party application. Both products carry a diversified and comprehensive digital financial ecosystem to clients and draw significant attention ato the business community.

BIDV iBank and BIDV iConnect – new generation digital banking services developed by BIDV for corporate clients

 Attractive offers when transacting via BIDV iBank

To enhance the introduction of financial services on BIDV iBank to corporate clients, from now until October 31 2023, BIDV offers corporate clients having the highest financial transactions per month via BIDV iBank a debit card or a corporate credit card with a balance of VND 15 million/per card.

In addition, for new corporate clients or clients owning a non-transaction account for 6 months and reopen a BIDV account, when register to use the financial package on BIDV iBank will subject to fees waiver/reduction, including: business debit card opening fee, account opening fee, account management fee, domestic remittance fee, international remittance fee, trade finance on BIDV iBank. Concurrently, BIDV offers an exchange rate up to 170 points for foreign currency transactions via this channel.

Attractive offers when transacting via BIDV iBank

Integrated digital banking with BIDV iConnect

For the sake of adding the greatest convenience to the experience of corporate clients when utilizing digital banking services, BIDV currently provides hundreds of API sets connecting to the enterprise’s ERP system that allows corporate clients to inquiry, remit, manage liquidity and real-time cash flow on their internal system.

From now to December 31 2023, BIDV offers preferential privileges for clients using BIDV iConnect. Accordingly, only by executing a contract with BIDV to deploy BIDV iConnect, registering for the use of financial services for at least 2 years will the clients be waived from domestic remittance fees and free to connect to the system in 2023. Beyond the above fee reduction and waiver policies, with the desire to accompany the business development strategy of the enterprise, BIDV offers capital financing programs with competitive interest rates and consults suitable financial and digital banking solutions for clients.

Support privileges for SME clients

When utilizing digital banking services of BIDV, small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) will experience the benefits of the SMEasy digital platform provided by BIDV via SMEasy is a digital platform launched by BIDV to provide comprehensive financial and non-financial service solutions for SME clients under the “One Stop Shop” model – One destination, multiple services. Via this platform, SMEs could easily access a complete set of solutions from banking-financial information, business insight, technology – digital tools, to training programs and business networking opportunities.

For more information about the promotion program, please contact the nearest BIDV branch or BIDV Call Center 1900 9247.

With modern digital banking products satisfying the diverse requirements of clients, for the time being, BIDV has been honored by numerous domestic and international organizations. In 2022, BIDV won Sao Khue 2022 award for digital technology application products for corporate clients. BIDV iBank won the award for the most Innovative Corporate Banking app in Vietnam for 2 consecutive years (2021-2022) by Global Banking & Finance Magazine, and the Vietnam Trust Award in 2022 by Vietnam Economic Magazine.