Plot from solo to pool

Well I am just figuring this out myself. There’s 2 types of plots, OG and portable/NFT. It’s not clear from docs but the switches you use to plot them using CLI affects which types of plots you create. (ie. -c or -p in madmax) Also, people make it appear you can switch plots b/w OG and NFT easily after you’ve created OG plots but that’s not the case for me. Check out Chia (XCH) PoST | Mining Pools and you’ll see some of them have OG plot support but most don’t. So really do read up a bit first on if you are plotting solo (OG) or joining a pool. Also, figuring out which plotting strategy and hardware takes time and trial and error. I’m just doing this on the side so it’s taking me a bit longer so don’t know much yet. So feel free to correct me if I mentioned anything wrong.