‎Paramount Network

Frustrated Subscriber 8906


I hate to write a bad review but I also hate the fact that I may have to cancel my account. I would have loved for this to be the 5 star review I dreamed it would be but it’s not. Here’s my story; I am a new customer to paramount+. I became a member because they are acquiring all of my favorite shows. I was excited to see the lists of shows they offer and also have the option to download. I use that a lot when I fly. Since getting my account set up, I have had nothing but buffering, fatal errors, and downloads that won’t play. I have sent in tickets through the customer support system in the app with no reply, except for the automated email that they are overwhelmed and will look at it when they can. I’m apparently not the only one having issues. Every issue that pops up says my issue is due to the WiFi or internet that I am using, but that shouldn’t be the case. All of my other streaming accounts work (and I have several). I have used many different devices and WiFi option but nothing helps.
I guess my biggest frustration is if you’re going to take exclusive rights to top tv shows, YOU NEED TO HAVE AN APP THAT WORKS.
I will end this rant/cry for help. I want this app to be everything I hoped for. Please get it working correctly, if you are reading this Paramount IT.

From a hopeful but frustrated customer.