PRTG Network Monitor – Data Analysis – (| User Manual

PRTG Manual: Update From Previous Versions

If you already have installed a previous software version, there are several possibilities for you.

Note: We recommend you always have a proper backup of your monitoring data and configuration. In most cases both will be maintained when upgrading. Anyway, we recommend a backup before upgrading. Please see More section below.

Update From Older 9.x Versions

If you have been running PRTG Network monitor with an earlier 9.x version number, simply install the latest version on top of the previous version. Your configuration will be kept. If you have configured PRTG as a cluster, you only have to install an update on any node server (master or failover). The new version will then be deployed to the cluster automatically. Note: We recommend you always have a proper backup of your monitoring data.

Update From PRTG Network Monitor 7 or 8

If you are using PRTG 7 or 8 now, your configuration will be kept when installing PRTG 9 in Standalone Mode or when installing a Master Node. There are only a few things you should consider.

Note: If you’re running PRTG 7 we recommend you first update to the latest PRTG 8 version as an intermediate step, in order to make sure all data is carried over correctly. Please contact technical support to obtain a download link for PRTG 8. In any case we recommend you always keep a proper backup of your configuration and monitoring data.

Updating from PRTG 7 or 8 to PRTG 9

  • Packet Sniffer (Content) sensors are not supported any more. Existing sensors of this type will automatically be switched to Packet Sniffer (Header) sensors after the update. As a benefit, you can now also sniff IPv6 traffic.
  • Internet Explorer 8 is no longer supported for access to the PRTG Ajax web interface.
  • You may experience a slow Enterprise Console (former ‘Windows GUI’) due to different reasons. For detailed information, please see the knowledge base article linked in the More
  • When installing a failover node on top of an existing stand-alone PRTG 7, 8, or 9 installation, the configuration cannot be kept and is written to a backup folder. Then, the new cluster configuration is received from the master node of the cluster. As all nodes work with the same configuration, a failover node’s old configuration and monitoring data can no longer be used. If you want to keep a configuration of PRTG 7, please install the master node on top of the old installation and use other servers for the failover node installations.
  • The SNMP sensors in PRTG 9 now use the

    IPv4 Outgoing IP

    set for the probe service (this setting was formerly ignored by those sensors, using the


    setting instead). If you experience failing sensors, please check the setting in the PRTG Probe Administrator. For detailed information please see More

  • If you have (manually) configured the PRTG probe or PRTG core service to run under a different Windows user account (for example, for successful internet access through an ISA server firewall), please apply the respective Windows user account for the “PRTGProbeService” and/or “PRTGCoreService” anew after installing PRTG 9. For detailed information please see More
  • Probe core and probe now require: SP1 (or later) on Windows 2003, and SP2 (or later) on Windows XP.
  • If you use the default data path in your PRTG setup, it will be changed automatically. Up to version 8 all data was stored in a sub folder reflecting a PRTG version number (




    ). As of version 9 this sub folder is omitted, and data is stored directly at

    %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application data\Paessler\PRTG Network Monitor

    . During setup, all data will be moved to the new directory. If you use a custom data path it will not be changed.

  • Up to version 8 all data in the registry was stored in a sub key reflecting a PRTG version number (




    ). As of version 9 this sub key is omitted, and registry data is stored directly under the key


    (on 32-bit systems) respectively

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Paessler\PRTG Network Monitor

    (on 64-bit systems). During setup, all existing registry values will be moved to the new key.

Updating from PRTG 7 to PRTG 9

  • Regarding custom sensors, the interpretation of returned values is handled more strict as of PRTG 8. If you’re using custom sensors with PRTG 7, these may not work with PRTG 9 if they do not fully apply to the API definition.

Update From Older PRTG Products

For all other predecessor products, a direct data import into version 9 is not possible.

If you have been using IPCheck 5 or PRTG Traffic Grapher 6, please perform a clean installation of PRTG 9 and set up your configuration anew. Using PRTG’s Auto-Discovery is the easiest way to quickly configure a monitoring of your entire network. Please see Quick Start Guide section for more information.


Knowledge Base: How do I backup all data and configuration of my PRTG installation?

Knowledge Base: Why is the Enterprise Console so slow?

Knowledge Base: Some of my SNMP sensors do not work after updating from PRTG 8 to PRTG 9

Knowledge Base: Probe Service or Core Service stop working after updating from PRTG 8 to PRTG 9

Knowledge Base: How and where does PRTG store its data?

Knowledge Base: Can I update from PRTG Traffic Grapher or IP Check 5 to PRTG 9?

Knowledge Base: How do I Import Data from PRTG Traffic Grapher 6 or IPCheck Server Monitor 5 in PRTG Network Monitor?

