PPL Electric Utilities

Our number one goal is to deliver safe and reliable service, but when big storms strike and damage equipment, power outages may occur. It’s never easy to be without power, so we follow an effective restoration process to get all customers back in service as quickly and safely as possible.

  1. First, we restore power to critical public facilities , like hospitals, that serve the general public in emergencies.

  2. Then, we focus on major power lines and substations, using smart grid technology to reroute power until more difficult repairs can be made.

  3. We prioritize repairs that will restore power to the largest number of customers and then smaller neighborhoods, individual homes, and businesses.

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During major storms, we have our entire team on deck, ready to support our restoration efforts. That includes our dedicated lineworkers, as well as our office employees making the restoration process run smoothly behind the scenes. We also call on our contractor crews and partners at other utilities if we need their assistance.Want to stay updated on your outage? Adjust your alert preferences . Whenever outages occur, we’ll do our best to keep you informed. Stay safe!