POD Network Job Postings Available to Members

POD Network members can view, search, post, and manage educational development job listings through the POD Network website.

POD Network Job PostingsOnce logged in to the POD Network website, members should visit the MYPOD area and look for the jobs menu in the sidebar. The All Job Postings page contains the full list of all jobs posted by POD Network members. It has convenient keyword and location fields to allow the viewer to narrow his or her search. The My Job Postings page lets the user view and manage the jobs he or she has posted. The Post a Job page has a form to add a new job to the list.

Individual job listings show a job description, meta data, and company information in a clean format. The location can link to a google map, and the company box can show the institution’s tagline, twitter, and website link.

An apply button is shown beneath the listing and can be pressed to reveal either the application email address or website URL.

They are set to expire 90 days from the date of initial posting. Sample job posting:

Sample Job Posting

Job Posting Example