PAID Network (PAID) live coin price, charts, markets & liquidity

  • The price of PAID is $0.023467. In the last 24 hours, the price of PAID Network has changed by 5.35%. To view the price of PAID Network in the currency of your choice, select a base currency at the top of the page.

    PAID reached its all-time high price of $6.23 on 02/18/2021, 745 days ago. The price is 99.62% lower than the all-time high.

    PAID reached its all-time low price of $0.008291 on 03/10/2021, 725 days ago. The price is 183.05% higher than the all-time low.

    The maximum supply for PAID Network is 594,717,455. The total number of PAID can never surpass this amount.

    What is the fully diluted market cap of PAID Network?

    The fully diluted market cap of PAID Network PAID is $13,956,381, which reflects the total market value of the project after all issued tokens, including those held by the public, founders, team members, investors, and the project treasury, become available for public trading. This metric can be used as a predictive indicator of the asset’s future market capitalization.