PA DEP – Medium & Heavy Duty Zero Emission Vehicle Pilot RFI


PA DEP – Medium & Heavy Duty Zero Emission Vehicle Pilot RFI

Posted by [email protected] on Mar. 21, 2022  /  

The PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has issued a Request for Information (RFI), seeking input and ideas as they initiate development of a transformational incentive program. This program is anticipated to deploy and demonstrate the performance of medium and heavy dutyzero emission vehicles (MHD-ZEV) in real-world fleet applications. The DEP is soliciting input from stakeholders within the MHD-ZEV sector, EV charging sector, MHD fleet management, EJ communities, and other relevant stakeholders.

The RFI includes a list of questions designed to solicit stakeholder feedback that will help establish technical, economic, and operational parameters of the MHD-ZEV Fleet Pilot Program. They request that your feedback focus on opportunities or best practices for success in the following areas: vehicle and fueling technology, vehicle type and class, use scenarios, fleet types, and even useful performance metrics. They also need your ideas on ways to prioritize fleets operating in or significantly impacting Environmental Justice Communities. Please consider responding to the RFI by answering some orall of the questions. Read the RFI notification HERE. Submit questions & RFI responses HERE.

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