Our Ultimate List: 101 IT Blog Post Ideas

Blogs are one of the first places that people dive into when trying to keep up with the ever-changing world of technology. In IT, you will easily find that what was relevant a few years ago may no longer be relevant today. So, if you hope to build a strong and loyal audience, you will need to present fresh and interesting content that can help make your blog one of the go-to sources for IT information.

However, at The Content Panel, we understand just how difficult this task can be, which is why we offer to take the weight off your shoulders with our blog writing service. In addition to SEO and connecting you to industry writers, we also offer unique topic suggestions. This means that you don’t have to do the hard work of thinking of topics, instead, we will do the research and come up with the best topics that we believe will fit your brand, which should allow you to focus on the other parts of your business.  However, DIYing your IT blog is often a great choice if you are able to commit the time to it. Here’s our big list of IT blog post topic ideas to get you started.

IT Blog Examples

  1. New Technology.

The internet is one of the first places people go when a new piece of technology is released. By writing detailed posts about these, you can easily drive new members to your site. This also lets your current audience know that you are up to date with the latest tech releases.

  1. Top IT Trends.

It is easy for things to go out of fashion in tech. Dive into the current tech news and write about the things that you believe are beginning to catch on.

  1. Which is the Better Buy? X or Y

Many rival companies often produce similar hardware that can perform the same task. However, most people will only need one of these. Create a detailed post about different equipment by comparing them, then give your opinion on which you think people should buy.  

  1. What happened to X?

Jog your audience’s memory by talking about an old tech company that faded away from the limelight. Explain the reason for their fall in popularity. 

  1. Using Old Technologies

People trying to run an old piece of hardware may not have the first clue how to get started. If you still have any old equipment lying around and know how to use it, create tutorials to help your audience out.

  1. Run a “What is This Ancient IT Equipment” Contest.

Post a photo of an old piece of IT equipment, write a brief description, and ask your audience if they can name what it is in the comments.

  1. Can You Solve This Programming Puzzle

If your blog is more focused on software, then many programmers may visit your website. Write a post about a programming concept, then offer a puzzle based on this. Allow users who successfully solve the puzzle to unlock additional content.  

  1. Daily IT Tips to Your Visitors

There are many tricks to IT that people are not aware of. Create a “Daily Tips” section where you write about little IT tricks that can help people who may not be too tech-savvy.

  1. Daily Tech News to Your Visitors

For the members of your audience who are already entrenched in IT, they would likely want more information about what is happening in tech. Create a “Tech News” section where you give short descriptions of important tech-related information.

  1. Top IT Bargains of the Week

IT companies regularly have discounts on older products which still run fine. Keep an eye out for these and alert your audience to those that you think may be worth snapping up.

  1. Best Time to Buy X Device

For certain devices, there are periods when the price of new IT equipment drops sharply, such as Christmas. Keep members of your audience aware of this, so they can save up for the discount when it happens.

  1. Best Tech Under $X

Your audience can be surprised at some of the excellent technology that is also quite inexpensive. Create a series where you write about cheap but marvelous IT equipment. You can start with “Best Equipment under $100”, then slowly reduce the number each week.

  1. “How To” Guides

When people receive new equipment, they will want to find out how to get it up and running. Your post should focus on the main things that will generally slow down their startup process.

  1. Ask Visitors About What Piece of Tech They Can’t Do Without

People always have preferences when it comes to IT equipment. Run a comment section on your blog where people talk about their favorite device.

  1. Ask Your Users About Apps They Can’t Do Out

Run a campaign where you ask users to log what apps they use throughout the day. Afterward, they can comment on what apps they used the most and what makes them crucial to their workflow.

  1. Troubleshooting IT-Related Issues

Technology can easily go wrong or stop working, which can be baffling and frustrating. If you know any fixes for common problems, help your audience out by writing about how to fix them.

  1. Run a Tutorial Series

Members of your audience may be interested in how to create their blog or launch a product. Create a tutorial series that people can follow along with weekly steps that will help them achieve their goals.

  1. Categorized Content

IT is extremely broad. So, if your blog is not niche, then you should create different posts for different categories on your website e.g., “Best IT Tools for Students,” and “Best IT Tools for Teachers.”

  1. Launch a “Make an Awesome X With Y” Series

Sometimes, it is not enough to tell people about the best IT tools. Instead, you can go one step further and write about the awesome things that your audience can do with these tools.

  1. Upcoming Tech Events

Members of your audience who are extremely interested in tech may want to attend tech events. Write about the basic details of any upcoming events, who will be attending, and why they may want to consider visiting.

  1. Tech Event Recap

If you have recently attended any tech event, or watched one remotely, write about what happened during the show. This can make your blog a great source of recaps for those who can’t attend.

  1. Your Favorite X Tech Podcasts

Your audience may want to go beyond the written form of IT information. Make a post about the tech-related podcasts that you love to listen to or can’t do without, including what makes them so special.

  1. Review IT Equipment

Reviews are essential for IT products. The content you create should be honest and informative. You should go into detail about the different features of the device, and what you hate or love about it. 

  1. Run a “Top X Applications for Y” series

Most applications are created to make certain parts of our lives easier. Run a series of posts on your blog where you talk about the best applications for certain use-cases. For example, you can start with a post called, “Top 5 Applications for Productivity.”

  1. Your Experience in Working in IT

Blogs don’t always have to be distant, and your members will likely cherish any personal content you put out. If you work in IT, write about the experience you have had in the workplace. This can be helpful to those seeking an IT-related job.

  1. Top X Things I Wish I Knew Before I Got My First IT Job.

Create a post about the mistakes you made when getting your job. Write honestly about what you would do differently if you were to start over.

  1. Installation Guides

People who are not tech-savvy can struggle with installing new software. Write posts about the best ways to install popular pieces of software and how to avoid issues during installation. 

  1. Most Popular Programming Languages

If your blog is focused on software, write about the top programming languages used today. You may also write about what made them so popular.

  1. Which Programming Language Should You Learn?

As there are a range of programming languages, it can be difficult to make the right choice if you are a beginner. Write a post that will explain to your audience the various learning paths, and that their choice will depend on what they want to create. 

  1. Your Favorite Programming Language

Create a personal post where you talk about the programming language you currently use, why you chose it, and your experience so far. 

  1. The History of X

Write about the history of an IT-related topic that your audience may find interesting, focusing on how it is has evolved.

  1. My Current Devices

Write about the IT devices that you are currently using, and why you chose them over others.

  1. Why I Am Switching to X Device

Keeping your users up to date when you switch products can make your reviews seem more honest. Create a short post when you switch from one device to another. 

  1. “Did You Know”

Write about some popular IT trivia that your audience may not have been aware of.

  1. What’s on My Desktop

Write about what files and apps you have on your desktop, and why you decided to pin them.

  1. What’s on My Taskbar/Dock

Write about the apps that you have on your taskbar or dock, and why you decided to pin them.

  1. Why Did I Switch to X Programming Language?

Your post should focus on the reasons for the switch. You may also speak about how easy the transition was, for those who may be considering it. 

  1. How Difficult is X Programming Language?

A large number of your audience may believe that writing programs is difficult. Help to quell some of their fears by creating a post about the difficulty levels or learning curves of various programming languages.

  1. What I Have Built So Far with X Programming Language

Write about your programming achievements. You can include screenshots or hyperlinks to what you have made in the post.

  1. Interview Other Tech Professionals

For areas of IT that you are not tech-savvy in, interview friends or other tech professionals who work in that field to talk about their experiences.

  1. Best IT Equipment for Small Businesses

Offer guidance for smaller businesses, who may have different IT needs. Focus on security, ease of use, and low-cost items.

  1. Best Software for Small Businesses

Write about the best software or apps that you have come across that can help make the day-to-day running of a small business much easier, e.g., invoicing software.

  1. Top X Tasks You Can Automate With IT

Show your audience how IT can be used to automate some of their boring day-to-day tasks. Provide a list of the top tasks you automate e.g., accounting. 

  1. Top X IT Educational Tools

For visitors of your blog who are not tech-savvy, you can provide free educational resources that will help them begin their IT journey e.g., YouTube playlists.

  1. Difference Between X and Y

Some IT terms can look similar despite being extremely different. Educate your audience on what the differences between commonly similar terms are. For example, write a post called, “The Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS”

  1. Top IT Equipment That Everybody Should Have

Let your audience know about the equipment that everybody must have if they want to remain connected e.g., backup tools such as hard drives.

  1. Common Myths About the IT Industry

Many people have some common misconceptions about the work-life in IT. If you have a tech-related job, dispel some of these common myths.

  1. Common Mistakes When Doing X

When people use a piece of technology for the first time, they are likely to get things wrong. Help them get on top of many issues by writing about the mistakes that most people will make e.g., Common Mistakes When Creating Your First Website. 

  1. Software Updates

Companies regularly update their software with a range of new features. Write about what some of these new features are, and how people can update their devices to the latest version.  

  1. “X Crazy Predictions for the Future Of IT”

Even though it can be impossible to predict, create a fun post about what you think the future of IT looks like. Ask your audience to comment on which of your predictions they think will come true.

50 More IT Related Blog Post Ideas

  1. How to get the most out of your website.
  2. Favorite IT companies
  3. An IT-Related issue that you recently faced
  4. How to get your children excited about IT
  5. IT-related tools for children.
  6. IT-related tools for the elderly.
  7. Teach the elderly about IT
  8. How IT makes my life easier.
  9. Using IT to design your home.
  10. Do you need a university degree to get an IT job?
  11. Preparing for your IT job interview
  12. How I secured my first IT job
  13. How I became an IT blogger
  14. Budgeting for IT-related purchases
  15. Keeping IT equipment safe
  16. The top X tech gifts.
  17. My top X IT-related purchases
  18. Top X gadgets you found at Y store.
  19. How IT makes traveling easier.
  20. Top IT companies to watch out for in the new year.
  21. Why X device is so expensive.
  22. Why X device is so cheap.
  23. A day in the life of an IT professional.
  24. How I used tech gadgets to make money.
  25. Interview people to talk about how IT has improved their lives.
  26. Top niche tech blogs
  27. Top blogging tools that make it easier to run my blog.
  28. The simple rules I followed when creating my tech blog.
  29. Top tips to follow when choosing your child’s first device.
  30. Securing your first IT job.
  31. Top cities to find an IT job
  32. What is the difference between an IT remote job and working physically?
  33. Run a success stories series.
  34. Top IT social media accounts that deserve a follow.
  35. The best ways to manage your time while working in IT.
  36. Ranked: Best tech movies of the last decade.
  37. Highest paying IT-related fields.
  38. X favorite things about your IT job.
  39. Top X facts that you should know before getting a job in IT.
  40. How IT has changed the world.
  41. Which is better: Remote or in-person?
  42. What makes X technology so special.
  43. How I became a tech pro.
  44. How to use IT to grab more customers.
  45. The design process to follow when making a website.  
  46. Write about the tech creator you dream of meeting, and what you would like to talk about.
  47. How much time should we spend on our devices every day?
  48. Run a best-of series where you talk about the best IT equipment in every category.
  49. How to create a great IT portfolio
  50. Top IT inspirations.