Our Ultimate List: 101 E-commerce Blog Post Ideas

When you have an ecommerce business, it is very important that you keep your customers posted on your product line by writing an ecommerce blog. The potential topics for ecommerce blogs are virtually endless, and they don’t necessarily need to be related to your current products…

Below are 50 of the most popular ecommerce blog topic ideas to get you started writing your own ecommerce blog:

  1. Run a weekly contest and give away one of your products to the winner. Ask the winner to rate the product and upload any photos of them using the product.
  1. Have a giveaway featuring one of the items from a new product line. Get your readers involved by having puzzles or questions about your blog that determine the winner of the giveaway. Ask the winner to rate the product and upload any photos of them using the product.
  1. Feature a customer picture with them and their new product. Ask them to review the new product and feature the review with their photo.
  1. Do a feature article on the bundles that you sell as gift baskets. Discuss which items can be bundled together, and have different options for different occasions and holidays. Give several different options in your bundles so that customers can have choices in what their gift bundles include.
  1. Write an article on the importance of SEO rankings in the ecommerce industry. Discuss how you make your format SEO recognizable, and what that has done to increase traffic to your ecommerce site.
  1. Talk about some of the data privacy issues that are common in the ecommerce business. Discuss what you do to ensure the privacy of your customers data. Talk about the recent privacy breaches in the news, and how you work to prevent that from happening to your customers.
  1. Test a product and film you using the product. Post the video on your blog so that your customers can see an actual demonstration of the product usage.
  1. Share some of your customer reviews, both positive and negative. Give replies to your customers, and help to correct the issues that caused the negative reviews so that your customers can see that you actively work to fix any issues with your ecommerce business.

  1. Solve a customer’s problem with one of your products. Have your customer review the product and supply a testimonial discussing how the product resolved their problem. Ask them to give a full review of the product that fixed their problem.
  1. Write an article on how to launch your ecommerce business. Discuss how you launched your ecommerce business, and talk about some of the challenges that you faced during your launch.
  1. Write an article on the top 50 ecommerce ideas for the current year. Talk about how your ecommerce business fits into the top ecommerce ideas and how you came up with your ecommerce idea.
  1. Discuss the regulations and guidelines that govern ecommerce. Discuss how they differ from the regulations and guidelines that govern physical stores that sell similar products to your own product line.
  1. Discuss the importance of customer retention in ecommerce. Talk about what you do to ensure your own customer retention, and how you learned to adopt those habits with your ecommerce business.
  1. Discuss the measures that you can take to manage your online reputation? Which of these measures do you employ? How have these measures helped you manage your online reputation? How has this improved your ecommerce business?
  1. What is the impact of a poorly designed website on your ecommerce business? Does a poorly designed website really affect the sales numbers of an ecommerce business? Who manages your website? Did you design your own ecommerce website?
  1. Write a guide on how your customers can wear the clothing that you sell. Give tips on layering, wearing jackets with jeans, seasonal pieces and how they can alternate them with other office basics, and similar ideas.
  1. Write a guide on how to arrange the home decor that you sell in your customers own homes. Discuss placement, how to group the products without looking crowded, and other tips on making their home look the best with their current decor.
  1. Write a guide on how to use the beauty products that you sell in your ecommerce shop. Discuss how your customers can use their new purchases with their existing beauty products and how they will look best.
  1. Write a guide on how to incorporate the furniture that you sell in your ecommerce shop with their existing furniture. Talk about how to mix and match the new furniture pieces, which would look best with their existing decor, and how to highlight the new pieces that they purchase in their home.
  1. Write a guide on how to use the home exercise equipment that you sell in your ecommerce shop. Talk about how to lose weight with your products, how to use your products to tone muscle, and the possible outcomes of the exercises that you recommend with your exercise equipment.
  1. Write a guide on how to play in an interactive manner with the childrens toys you sell in your ecommerce shop. Talk about age appropriate toys, how your customers’ children will benefit from the mental stimulation provided by the toys you sell, and the age restrictions on the toys in your shop.
  1. Write a guide on how to use the vitamins that you sell in your ecommerce shop. Discuss how they can aid in health when taken in conjunction with a healthy diet, and how they should consult a physician before beginning a vitamin regimen for health concerns.
  1. Write a guide on how to operate the radio controlled toys you sell in your ecommerce shop. Discuss the appropriate age for the toys, how to best control the toys without damaging them, and give a tutorial on how to build a RC car track in your backyard.
  1. Write a guide on how to use the kitchen gadgets that you sell in your ecommerce shop. Give a recipe booklet that can be downloaded with some of your favorite recipes that can be made with the gadgets that you sell.
  1. Write a guide on how to grow the plants that you sell in your ecommerce shop. Talk about the best growth placement, how to fertilize the plants, and the best watering schedule for the plants so that they will flourish in your customers homes.
  1. Write a guide on how to cook the main dish items you sell in your ecommerce shop. Talk about what to serve with red wine, what pairs best with white wines, and give a few special occasion recipes for your customers to download.
  1. Spotlight one of your birthday gift baskets for moms. Include the items that are for working moms, which items would be nice for stay at home moms, and the items that you carry for pet moms. Ask your customers to take photos with their mom using the products, and to provide a customer testimonial.
  1. Spotlight one of your birthday gift baskets for dads. Include the items that are for outdoor loving dads, the items that would be great for dads who golf, and showcase some items for the office for dads. Have your customers provide photos of their dads enjoying the gifts, and write a testimonial for your site.

  1. Spotlight one of your holiday gift baskets for a coworker. Include items for female coworkers, items for male coworkers, and some items that are universal purchases for anyone at the office. Have your customer include photos of the coworker enjoying the items, and ask them to write a testimonial for your site.
  1. Spotlight one of your wedding gift baskets. Include the items that are classic wedding gifts, some trendy wedding gifts, and some of your personalized wedding gift options. Ask your customer to provide a photo of the basket when it arrives to show off how nice your gift baskets are when they are shipped, and ask them to write a testimonial for your site.
  1. Spotlight one of your home cleaning tools that you sell on your ecommerce site. Ask your customer to provide a before and after photo of them using the cleaning tool so that you can show how well the tool works. Ask your customer to provide a testimonial for the cleaning tool.
  1. Spotlight the handmade dog treats that you sell on your ecommerce site. Include photos of the process you use to make the dog treats, and provide your own testimonial of how much your dogs enjoy the dog treats. Include a link to the cookie cutters that you use to cut your dog treats before baking, and allow your customers to buy the cookie cutters to use at home.
  1. Spotlight the eco friendly baby product line that you sell on your ecommerce site. Discuss how the eco friendly baby products reduce the carbon footprint their family will leave, and compare the effectiveness of the eco friendly products to the mainstream products on the market. Ask your customers to include photos of them using the products on their babies, and to include testimonials about the products.
  1. Spotlight the eco friendly cleaning products line that you sell on your ecommerce site. Discuss how the eco friendly cleaning products reduce the carbon footprint their family will leave, and to compare the effectiveness of the eco friendly products to the mainstream products on the market. Ask your customers to include photos of them cleaning their homes with the products, and to include testimonials about the products.
  1. Spotlight the eco friendly pet product line that you sell on your ecommerce site. Discuss how the eco friendly pet products reduce the carbon footprint their family will leave, and to compare the effectiveness of the eco friendly products to the mainstream products on the market. Ask your customers to include photos of them using the products on their pets, and to include testimonials about the products.
  1. Spotlight the eco friendly gardening products you sell on your ecommerce site. Discuss how the eco friendly gardening products compare to the mainstream products on the market. Ask your customers to include photos of them using the products in their gardens, and to include testimonials about the products.
  1. Discuss the custom doll clothing line that you carry in your ecommerce site. Show some of the collections that you offer for Barbies, American Girl, and for standard sized baby dolls. Ask your customers to have their kids give a thumbs up or thumbs down for the doll clothing, and keep a running poll of the responses. Have a surprise drawing to win a doll clothing collection for one of the children who votes in the poll.
  1. Showcase the mens watch line that you carry in your ecommerce site. Discuss what makes your watches a great addition to any watch collectors set, and have your customers send photos of themselves wearing one of the watches from your collection.

  1. Showcase the ladies watch line that you carry in your ecommerce site. Discuss what makes your watches a great addition to any watch collectors set, and have your customers send photos of themselves wearing one of the watches from your collection.
  1. Showcase the anklet line that you carry in your ecommerce site. Discuss what makes your anklets a great addition to any woman’s jewelry box, and have your customers send photos of themselves wearing one of the anklets from your collection.
  1. Showcase the earring line that you carry in your ecommerce site. Discuss why your earrings make a great addition to anyone’s jewelry box, and have your customers send photos of themselves wearing a pair of the earrings from your collection.
  1. Showcase the organic food subscription service that you offer. Give a sample menu of one of the subscription boxes, and have customers upload photos of the meals that they created with their subscription box.
  1. Showcase the organic meats subscription service that you offer. Give a sample menu of one of the subscription boxes, and have customers upload photos of the meals that they created with their subscription box.
  1. Feature one of the organic beauty products that you offer on your ecommerce site. Have your customers upload photos of them using the products, and ask them to write testimonials about how the organic beauty products line up against their old beauty product line.
  1. Feature one of the organic hair care products that you offer on your ecommerce site. Have your customers upload photos of before and after the use of the products, and ask them to write testimonials about how the organic hair care products line up against their old hair care product line.
  1. Feature one of the organic dog treats that you offer on your ecommerce site. Upload photos of your dogs enjoying the treats and share a funny story about training your own dogs.
  1. Feature one of the game consoles you sell on your ecommerce site. Upload a video of you using one of the game consoles, and provide a review of the game console.
  1. Feature one of the wireless headphones that you sell on your ecommerce site. Upload a video of you enjoying the headphones, and provide a review for your customers.
  1. Feature one of the karaoke machines that you sell on your ecommerce site. Upload a video of you and your friends using the karaoke machine, and write a review for your customers.
  1. Feature one of the screen printed shirts that you sell on your ecommerce site. Run a contest asking your customers to submit a slogan, and the top voted slogan writer wins one of the screen printed shirts.

50 More Ecommerce Blog Post Ideas

Now that you have your ecommerce blog started, use these next 50 ideas to keep your blog running with fresh ideas:

  1. Discuss your handmade jewelry line.
  2. Run a contest to win a piece from your handmade jewelry line.
  3. Feature jewelry boxes that match your handmade jewelry line.
  4. Showcase photos of your customers wearing your handmade jewelry line.
  5. Discuss your custom printed doormats.
  6. Run a contest to win one of your custom printed doormats.
  7. Feature the newest line of your custom printed doormats.
  8. Showcase photos of your customers homes using one of your custom printed doormats.
  9. Showcase a pair of the high end shoes your ecommerce site rents.
  10. Showcase one of the high end blazers your ecommerce site rents.
  11. Showcase one of the high end bags your ecommerce site rents.
  12. Showcase a pair of slacks your ecommerce site rents.
  13. Feature a photo of a customer carrying one of the high end bags your ecommerce site rents.
  14. Feature a photo of a customer wearing one of the high end blazers your ecommerce site rents.
  15. Feature a photo of a customer wearing a pair of the high end shoes your ecommerce site rents.
  16. Provide a list of classes offered on your online school.
  17. Provide a list of degrees offered on your online school.
  18. Spotlight one of the teachers from your online school.
  19. Spotlight photos of your students who attend your online school.
  20. Provide a sample of the coursework from a class in your online school.
  21. Showcase student grades from a class in your online school.
  22. Showcase student testimonials who have graduated from your online school.
  23. Showcase customers wearing one of your custom screen printed shirts.
  24. Ask for customers feedback on your line of funny screen printed shirts.
  25. Run a contest for artwork for your line of custom screen printed shirts.
  26. Run a contest giving away one of your custom made jewelry pieces.
  27. Run a contest giving away one of your custom printed door mats.
  28. Run a contest giving away a subscription to your high end rental shop.
  29. Run a contest giving away a bag of your organic dog treats.
  30. Run a contest giving away a box of your organic dinners.
  31. Run a contest giving away a subscription to your organic beauty products.
  32. Run a contest giving away a subscription to your organic hair care products.
  33. Ask for customer testimonials on your organic hair care products.
  34. Ask for customer testimonials on your organic beauty products.
  35. Ask for customer testimonials on your organic dinner boxes.
  36. Ask for customer testimonials on your organic dog treats.
  37. Ask for customer testimonials on your high end rental shop.
  38. Ask for customer testimonials on your custom printed door mats.
  39. Ask for customer testimonials on your custom made jewelry pieces.
  40. Ask for customer testimonials on your custom printed shirts.
  41.  Ask for customer testimonials on your mens watch collection.
  42. Ask for customer testimonials on your womens watch collection.
  43. Ask for customer photos using your organic beauty products.
  44. Ask for customer photos eating your organic dinner boxes.
  45. Ask for customer photos wearing your custom made jewelry pieces.
  46. Ask for customer photos wearing your high end rental clothing.
  47. Ask for before and after photos of the organic dinner box meals.
  48. Ask for slogan entries for your organic dinner box subscription.
  49. Ask for slogan entries for your custom made jewelry service.
  50. Ask for slogan entries for your organic dog treat line.