Oracle Network Adapter could not establish the connection tips
I am trying to install SQL Developer and when I try to open
the forst screen and connect I get this network adapter error:
java.sql.SQLException: Io
exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection.
How do I resolve this
Network Adapter could not establish the connection error?
Answer: Whenever you see
Network Adapter could not establish the connection, you have either
the wrong SQL Developer URL or you have a basic SQL*Net
connectivity issue! This error is most likely caused by one of
these factors:
– You are using the wrong URL
– The wrong
port number or IP address (or DNS host name) was used
– The
listener is not configured properly
– The listener process
(service) is not running. You can re-start it with the
“lsnrctl start” command or on Windows by starting the listener
For a step by step checklist, see my notes on
troubleshooting an Oracle connection problem.
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