Oracle Cloud ERP vs Oracle EBS – 10 Key Differences | SplashBI


Oracle ERP Cloud can be accessed anywhere, anytime, and works on any smart device. It is beneficial when employees require flexibility in accessing their information due to work schedules.
Oracle EBS is difficult to access. They are often tied up with in-office workstations and can’t be accessed from anywhere else.

Ease of Use

Oracle ERP Cloud gets automated software updates, so the cost and pain linked with new releases are comparatively less.
The expenses and pains linked with upgrades and new releases are higher in on-premises EBS solutions.


Oracle ERP Cloud gets constant, automated software updates.
Updating Oracle EBS needs more time and effort from IT.


Oracle ERP Cloud allows the organization to quickly achieve new functionality at a lower price.
With Oracle EBS achieving new functionality for organizations is an expensive affair.


Oracle ERP Cloud has zero up-front license charges and lowers maintenance costs.
Oracle EBS has higher license and maintenance cost.


Oracle ERP Cloud enables a broad range of application integrations and provides secure architecture capability.
SaaS integration in Oracle EBS is not easy and needs help from the IT team to design and build the integrations.


Oracle ERP Cloud maintains complicated integrations as well as bulk data movement.
Integration isn’t easy in Oracle EBS. It needs excellent support from the IT team to outline and develop.


Oracle Cloud Marketplace is an online repository devoted to cloud business applications and professional services. It assists Oracle ERP to deploy the best solutions for your business needs.
The Oracle Cloud Marketplace as a feature, is not available for Oracle EBS.


Oracle Cloud infrastructure leverages partner capabilities to help you deploy the most suitable solutions for your business requirements.
Oracle EBS is not engineered to enable a wide range of application integrations.

User Interface

Oracle ERP Cloud makes the oracle cloud applications sleek and user-friendly. It offers a simple, natural experience that makes it quicker and simpler to perform most back-office functions.

On-premises Oracle EBS doesn’t involve the revised UI and feels old in comparison.