Open Source Bloggers in C#

Open Source Bloggers in C#


tBlogger provides a complete blog site written in C# with ASP.NET that uses XML as a backend.

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dasBlog, an evolution of the BlogX weblog engine, adds lots of additional features like Trackback, Pingback, Mail notifications, full Blogger/MovableType API support, Comment API support, fully customizable Radio-style templates, Mail-To-Weblog/POP3 with attachment and embedded picture support, web-based DHTML editing, web-based OPML editor, web-based configuration editing, and other goodies to the BlogX codebase

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TriptychBlog is an Open Source Blogging Engine powered by the Microsoft 2.0 framework. It has many great features. TriptychBlog is entirely open source and will run on any computer using Windows 2000 or higher.

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Subtext is a personal blog publishing platform that focuses on usability, elegance, and simplicity. If you’ve ever caught yourself throwing your hands in the air and declaring that you’re going to write your own blogging engine, then Subtext is for you.
The guiding philosophy behind Subtext is to remove hindrances to online expression. A blogging platform should be easy to understand, set up, and use.
Subtext is an open source project licensed under the BSD license. It is a fork of the popular .TEXT blogging platform.

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BlogEngine.NET is an open source .NET blogging project. A blog platform with less complexity, easy customization, and one that takes advantage of the latest .NET features.
* Very easy to setup and customize.
* It comes with all the features of a modern blog engine as well as new unique features such as AJAX comments and screenshot trackbacks.
* Features social bookmarks, OpenSearch support, XFN tags, AJAX, Microsummaries, Gravatars, coComments, tag cloud, Google sitemap and other so called Web 2.0 features.
* The referrer statistics enables you to see which websites link to you.
* There is a variety of cool widgets that such as an AJAX post calendar or a blogroll that automatically retrieves the latest posts from each blog and displays the title beneath the blog.
* It features a very advanced commenting system in AJAX that supports country flags, live preview, Gravatars, coComments.
* It supports sindication feeds in any possible location.
* Trackbacks and pingbacks.
* The search capability of BlogEngine.NET allows the visitors to search in the comments.
* It supports the creation of static pages that exist outside the blog chronology.
* It fully supports multiple authors to write posts on the same blog.
* Cool themes
* All the controls in BlogEngine.NET are 100% XHTML 1.0 compliant.
* BlogEngine.NET is built from the ground up using nothing but C# and ASP.NET 2.0. It means that you can write new controls and themes by using the skills you already have as a .NET developer.

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ThinkJot V2

ThinkJot V2 is an Open Source Blog Engine for Asp.Net. It supports Multiple Blogs, Multiple Authors, XML backend,
Tagging, File Manager, Word 2007 and Windows Live Writer support, MetaWeblog API, Website Stats, Activity tracking, XHTML support etc. XCOPY deployment and F5 run from Visual Studio.

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