Official Flipnote Hatena Blog

Today we are pleased to announce the start of a new feature of the Hatena Blog service called Hatena Blog Topics. Hatena Blog Topics are similar to the weekly topics that we used to do on Flipnote Hatena, but in blog format.

In Hatena Blog Topics the Hatena Blog staff will introduce a topic for you to write about. Entries posted about the topic will appear on the Hatena Blog Topic page so they can easily be read by others. After the duration for the topic has ended, some of our favorite blogs will be featured.

If this new feature turns out to be popular with the community here we plan to continue to post Hatena Blog Topics on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

Hatena Blog Topic #1: “Summer Hobbies and Activities”

For this topic please write about things that you like do in the summertime. Tell readers about any summer hobbies or activities that you enjoy. Include interesting stories about what you have done this summer (or in previous summers), and try adding some photos and illustrations too. See where your creativity takes you!

Post your entries by August 8, 2013 (Thursday) at 8:00 am US Pacific Time.

The Hatena staff will review all entries posted and choose winners based on their creativity, originality and how well they address the topic. Bloggers who have their entries featured will receive a green color star that can be used with their Hatena account. The winning blogs will be announced on August 9, 2013 (Friday).

For more information about how to post your entry please see the URL below:

We hope you enjoy this new addition to the Hatena Blog service, and are looking forward to reading your blog entries.

Thanks from all of us at Hatena!