Ocean Network Express Launches with AT&T Global Network

AT&T VPN Means Remote Access to Business Systems from Virtually Anywhere, New Services and Better Customer Care

A major new global shipping company has chosen AT&T* to build its worldwide information and communication system. Ocean Network Express (ONE) is relying on AT&T to help it connect 14,000 employees around the globe via a fast, highly secure and reliable network. This will let the ONE team access critical business applications from virtually any location or device in a highly secure environment and help ONE deliver outstanding customer care.

ONE was created when Japan’s ‘K’ Line, MOL and NYK merged their container shipping lines. At its launch of business in April 2018, the new firm had a fleet of 250 vessels and the 6th largest global shipping line in the world. ONE aims to be more competitive and scale merit as the industry’s innovative market challenger.

Advanced information and communications technology is crucial to ONE’s business plan. It needs to help staff deliver better service and new data-driven solutions to customers. Its network must therefore be both stable and global. ONE has about 10,000 employees at 132 sites in 52 countries, plus 4,000 offshore staff.

Jun Ueki, managing director for One Tech Stop Pte Ltd., which is the fully-owned IT subsidiary owned by ONE, said, “ONE was founded with the goal to deliver groundbreaking solutions and enhanced service to change the way the world transports goods. To do this, we needed to build a best-in-class infrastructure from scratch. And we needed to get it up and running fast. We knew AT&T could deliver a stable and highly secure network to make all of this possible.”

ONE chose the AT&T VPN service to connect its global locations virtually, seamlessly and transmit applications such as voice, data and video over a single connection. It also chose AT&T’s remote access service to let on-site and remote workers access the VPN from any location and device.

ONE added AT&T network-based and on-premises firewalls to help provide security for its infrastructure. AT&T Cloud Web Security helps protect ONE against viruses, malware and intruders. And AT&T NetBond® for Cloud provides highly secure connectivity to an ecosystem of the cloud providers.

AT&T manages ONE’s network, along with the remote access service, the firewalls and the cloud. A dedicated AT&T engineer provides a single point of contact for ongoing support and consultancy. This helps ONE run a lean operation, without the need to hire IT staff at every location.

“In an industry as competitive as global shipping, a new entrant needs something special to stand out. ONE is focused on bringing enhanced service and innovation to the sector. And for that it needs a world-class information and communications network,” said Manabu Oka, president of AT&T Japan. “Advanced networking technology and solutions from AT&T helped ONE launch its global business with better application performance, enhanced security for its data and superior network reliability.”