Ocala Electric Utility | City of Ocala

Fire User Fee Class Action Suit

A hearing took place on May 10, 2022 at the Marion County Judicial Center. Details on the disbursement of funds can be found at

  • [email protected] or by telephone at 1-800-241-9840. We appreciate your patience.
  • A hearing took place on May 10, 2022 at the Marion County Judicial Center. Details on the disbursement of funds can be found at www.ocalafirefee.com . Questions should be directed to the claims administrator, The Notice Company Inc., via email at



    Se llevó a cabo una audiencia el 10 de mayo de 2022 en el Centro Judicial del Condado de Marion. Los detalles sobre el desembolso de fondos se pueden encontrar en www.ocalafirefee.com. Las preguntas deben dirigirse al administrador de reclamos, The Notice Company Inc., por correo electrónico a [email protected] o por teléfono al 1-800-241-9840. Nosotros apreciamos su paciencia.