North China Electric Power University |Apply Online | Study in china &

  • Founded in 1958, North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) is affiliated with the Ministry of Education, and is identified as a key university under “211 Program” and under the Predominant Discipline Innovation Platform of 985 Program. It is also a national key university established by the Board of Trustees which was composed of members from the Ministry of Education and seven super large-sized electric power groups in China. NCEPU offers 58 bachelor’s programs, including two key disciplines at the national level and 23 key disciplines at the provincial and ministerial levels; five post-doctoral research stations; five PhD degree programs of primary disciplines and 30 PhD degree programs of secondary disciplines; 23 master’s degree programs of primary disciplines and 123 master’s degree programs of secondary disciplines. Focusing on cultivating talents, NCEPU has become one of the universities in China to implement the Training Program on Outstanding Engineers under the Ministry of Education. Currently, it has five National Excellent Courses, two national teams with famous teachers, 11 national special disciplines, three national experiment teaching demonstration centers, three national centers on engineering practical education, one national experiment teaching center on virtual simulation, and 10 experiment teaching centers at provincial or ministerial levels.