Nghiên cứu áp dụng thử nghiệm mô hình mạng Bayes trong đánh giá các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến diễn biến cửa sông Đà Diễn

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5. Borsuk, M.E.; Stow, C.A.;, Reckhow, K.H. A Bayesian network of eutrophication models for synthesis, prediction, and uncertainty analysis. Ecol. Modell. 2004, 173, 219–239.

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7. Bromley, J.; Jackson, N.A.; Clymer, O.J.; Giacomello, A.M.; Jensen, F.V. The use of Hugin® to develop Bayesian networks as an aid to integrated water resource planning. Environ. Modell. Software 2005, 20, 231–242.

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11. Varis, O.; Rahaman, M.M.; Kajander, T. Fully connected Bayesian belief networks: a modeling procedure with a case study of the Ganges river basin. Integr. Environ. Assess. Manage. 2012, 8, 491–502.

12. Thuc, D.P.; James, C.R.S.; Samantha, J.C.; Wade, L.H.; Oz Sahin. Applications of Bayesian belief networks in water resource management: A systematic review. Environ. Modell. Software 2016, 85, 98–111.

13. Shi, H.; Lou, G.; Zheng, H.; Chen, C.; Bai, J.; Liu, T.; Ochege, F.U.; De Maeyer, P. Coupling the water–energy–food–ecology nexus into a Bayesian network for water resources analysis and management in the Syr Darya River basin. J. Hydrol. 2020, 581,124–387.

14. Cain, J. Planning improvements in natural resources management. UK: Centre for Ecology and Hydrology 2001, pp. 124.

15. Chan, T.U.; Hart, B.T.; Kennard, M.J.; Pusey, B.J.; Shenton, W.; Douglas, M.M.; Valentine, E.; Patel, S. Bayesian network models for environmental flow decision making in the Daly River, Northern Territory, Australia. River Res. Appl. 2012, 28, 283–301.

16. Varouchakis, E.A.; Palogos, I.; Karatzas, G.P. Application of Bayesian and cost benefit risk analysis in water resources management. J. Hydrol. 2016, 534, 390–396.

17. Tuấn, N.V. Giới thiệu phương pháp phân tích Bayes. Tạp chí Thời sự y học 2011, 63, 26–34.

18. McDonald, K.S.; Tighe, M.; Ryder, D.S. An ecological risk assessment for managing and predicting trophic shifts in estuarine ecosystems using a Bayesian network. Environ. Modell. Software 2016, 85, 202–216.

19. Madonna Vezi; Colleen Downs; Victor Wepener and Gordon O’Brien. Application of the relative risk model for evaluation of ecological risk in selected river dominated estuaries in KwaZulu–Natal, South Africa. Ocean and Coastal Management, 2020, 185, 105035.

20. Pelage, L.; Gonzalez, L.G.; Loc’h, F.L.; Ferreira, V.; Munaron, J.M.; Frédou, F.L.; Frédou, T. Importance of estuary morphology for ecological connectivity with their adjacent coast: A case study in Brazilian tropical estuaries. Estuarine Coastal Shelf Sci. 2021, 251, 107184.

21. Baldock, T.E.; Shabani, B.; Callaghan, D.P. Open access Bayesian Belief Networks for estimating the hydrodynamics and shoreline response behind fringing reefs subject to climate changes and reef degradation. Environ. Modell. Software 2019, 119, 327–340.

22. Furlan, E.; Slanzi, D.; Torresan, S.; Critto, A.; Marcomini, A. Multi–scenario analysis in the Adriatic Sea: A GIS–based Bayesian network to support maritime spatial planning. Sci. Total Environ. 2020, 703, 134972.

23. Sanuy, M.; Jiménez, J.A.; Plant, N. A Bayesian Network methodology for coastal hazard assessments on a regional scale: The BN–CRAF. Coastal Eng. 2020, 157, 103627.

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25. Thắm, P.T.H. Áp dụng mô hình rủi ro nhóm và phương pháp Bayes trong ước lượng chi phí khám chữa bệnh ở Việt Nam. Tạp chí Kinh tế và Phát triển 2018, 256, 70–77.

26. Truong, Q.H.; Nguyen, A.T.; Trinh, Q.A.; Trinh, T.N.L.; Hens, L. Hierarchical Variance Analysis: A Quantitative Approach for Relevant Factor Exploration and Confirmation of Perceived Tourism Impacts. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 2786.

27. Giang, N.T. Nghiên cứu cơ sở khoa học để xác định cơ chế bồi lấp, sạt lở và đề xuất các giải pháp ổn định các cửa sông Đà Diễn và Đà Nông tỉnh Phú Yên phục vụ phát triển bền vững cơ sở hạ tầng và kinh tế xã hội. 2018: mã số: ĐTĐL.CN.15/15.

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29. Posthumus, Rik, Conceptual model of the seasonal inlet closure in the Da Dien Estuary, in Civil Engineering. University of Twente 2015, pp. 49.

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31. Pham, D.H.B.; Hoang, T.T.; Bui, Q.T.; Tran, N.A.; Nguyen, T.G. Application of Machine Learning Methods for the Prediction of River Mouth Morphological Variation: A Comparative Analysis of the Da Dien Estuary, Vietnam. J. Coastal Res. 2019, 35, 1024–1035.