New business opportunities in Vietnam – Lohmann Breeders

Vietnam is the easternmost country on
China Peninsula in South
In the past two decades the coun

try has undergo a very rapid develop

ments and it is the one of the fastest
growing economies in the world.

The country has a population of 87.8 mil

lion people and therefore it is even more
populated than Germany with 80.5 million
people. As is most of the Asian countries
the population continues to grow and the
country has a young population with an
average age of 28 years old. Egg Consump

tion is only 70 eggs per capita and expect

ed to increase from year to year parallel to
the economic progress.

The major cities in Vietnam are
Hanoi in
the northern region, Danang in the central
region and
Ho Chi
Minh City or formerly
known as Saigon in the southern region.
The poultry production activities are fo

cused mainly in the southern region.

The recent “International Livestock, Dairy, Meat Processing and Aquaculture Exposition/ ILDEX” in Ho Chi Minh City was participated for the second time by Lohmann Tierzucht. Despite still being a small
show but it is an important one in Vietnam.
Ildex Fair provides good opportunities for
ann Tierzu
t to establish new
contacts and prepare the base for strong
market presence in this important South
East Asian country, VIET

Prior to the show in
November 2013, a
group of high ranking delegation from the
Vietnam’s Department of Animal
has visited Germany to evaluate the biosecurity status, measures and working on a
discussion to an agreed
Health Certificate
between Germany and Vietnam. Lohmann Tierzucht hosted the delegation
for 2 days in Cuxhaven, and presented the
company and its stringent biosecurity
measures and practices.
Michael B. Seidel,
Sales Director of LT
Z visited the Director
General Dr P
Hanoi pri

or to the fair who has confirmed that the
agreement is now in place and supplies of
Old Chicks from Germany is now pos


Overall, the show has been quite a success
as new contacts from the major players in
the Vietnam’s egg industry has been es

tablished and we are looking forward to a
strong market presence in Vietnam.

Dr. Ling Ling Chuah,
Area Sales

Michael B. Seidel, Sales Director of LTZ was being interviewed by
Tran Thi Thanh Tuy the anchorwoman for VTC 10 (Vietnam local

Our esteemed guest, Mr. Junairi Sungkono from Japfa Comfeed
Vietnam and Michael B. Seidel

A group of high ranking delegation from the Vietnam’s Department of Animal Health visited LTZ in December 2013

The country has a population of 87.8 mil – lion people and therefore it is even more populated than Germany with 80.5 million people. As is most of the Asian countries the population continues to grow and the country has a young population with an average age of 28 years old. Egg Consump – tion is only 70 eggs per capita and expect – ed to increase from year to year parallel to the economic progress.The major cities in Vietnam are Hanoi in the northern region, Danang in the central region and Ho Chi Minh City or formerly known as Saigon in the southern region. The poultry production activities are fo – cused mainly in the southern region.The recent “International Livestock, Dairy, Meat Processing and Aquaculture Exposition/ ILDEX” in Ho Chi Minh City was participated for the second time by Lohmann Tierzucht. Despite still being a small show but it is an important one in Vietnam. Ildex Fair provides good opportunities for Lohm ann Tierzu c h t to establish new contacts and prepare the base for strong market presence in this important South East Asian country, VIET N A M .Prior to the show in November 2013, a group of high ranking delegation from the Vietnam’s Department of Animal Health, has visited Germany to evaluate the biosecurity status, measures and working on a discussion to an agreed Health Certificate between Germany and Vietnam. Lohmann Tierzucht hosted the delegation for 2 days in Cuxhaven, and presented the company and its stringent biosecurity measures and practices. Michael B. Seidel, Sales Director of LT Z visited the Director General Dr P H A M VA N DONG in Hanoi pri – or to the fair who has confirmed that the agreement is now in place and supplies of Day Old Chicks from Germany is now pos – sible.Overall, the show has been quite a success as new contacts from the major players in the Vietnam’s egg industry has been es – tablished and we are looking forward to a strong market presence in Vietnam.Dr. Ling Ling Chuah, Area Sales ManagerMichael B. Seidel, Sales Director of LTZ was being interviewed by Tran Thi Thanh Tuy the anchorwoman for VTC 10 (Vietnam local media)Our esteemed guest, Mr. Junairi Sungkono from Japfa Comfeed Vietnam and Michael B. SeidelA group of high ranking delegation from the Vietnam’s Department of Animal Health visited LTZ in December 2013