New York University College of Dentistry

How did the interview impress you?

What was the stress level of the interview?

0 =


, 10 =


How you think you did?

0 =


, 10 =


“none, they were very friendly”

“I would have like to tour the school prior to the interview.”

“Plz provide US with lunch on a first come first serve basis. I gave up having noodles. HAHAHA HA HA”

“Have current students to talk with us while we’re waiting”

“just wish i didn’t have to wait after my interview”

“They were nice and busy. Nobody knew anybody basically.”

“I thought it would’ve been more logical to have the tour first and then the interview.”

“confirm the room scheduling for dean meeting! lol, we spent about 20 minutes searching”

“Keep up the good work! Dr. Mejia is great!”

“Not enough space for us all!”

“More seating in the lobby area.”

“Keep up the good work”

“Nothing, it’s perfect. Very timely.”

“just chill, they are very nice and easy going. especially the dean of admission, she is the nicest p”

“A little bit more organized for the interview process. As expensive as NYU maybe… I’m a dissapointed that they did not have a financial aid session. Also I interviewed when the students had finals so there was a bit of a problem finding a tour guide.”

“Include a schedule of the interview day either in the folder or in an email.”

“Provide a financial aid presentation since NYU is expensive.”

“Please provide better directions to the admission’s office. Allow more time with the student tour guide. It might make sense to break the tour into two groups, and have two guides. Give name tags to the students.”

“Please be a little bit more responsive via emails too .. You guys do respond on phones pretty well, but sometimes international students cant call .. They use emails, and they wait for response..”

“Have a better system so that we aren’t all waiting for hours and getting in the way of others while touring!”

“Please tell your interviewing faculty to refrain from asking an applicants religious background during the interview process.”

“Too long a waiting time after my interview was done.”

“Have more people interview so that everyone can get interviewed at once, or at least close to ‘at once’ as possible. There was A LOT of downtime waiting for people to finish.”

“Nothing. Very friendly and informative staff.”

“interview, then dean of admissions speech, then lunch, then tour”

“This is weird — but I would say to change the lighting fixtures. I was really excited about NYU, but I interviewed on a cloudy day and everything looked dim and dark. In retrospect it seemed to really affect my perspective, especially after the financial aid talk. Also, I wanted feedback on how alumni liked NYU — basically, more information about “why NYU” and how well NYU prepared them.”

“Offer a better platform for students to find roommates with other incoming dental students.”

“Add an informational presentation about the school to the interview day, and please do the interviews after the presentation and tour.”

“to make sure before hand that the room they’re gonna use to take the test is in the same building instead of having us going back and forth from one building to another”

“What the F#@$ happened to you in undergrad?”

“what other schools have you been accepted to?”

“What are you most proud of?”

“So, you went to …… (school) and you have a … GPA, you were having fun, right?”

“Why did you chose to persue dentistry as a career?”

“Why do you want to attend NYU?”

“Why in the world did you decide on dentistry?”

“Why NYU? Why New York?”

“How long have you been here?”

“what is one strength and one weakness?”

“so i see you got good DAT scores…but your grades suck during this semester. what happenend, did your grandmother die?”

“why dentistry and not medicine (over and over again)?”

“Where are you from? Have you been to NY or NYC before??? What do you think of NY?”

“What are you strengths and weaknesses?”

“How would you describe the dentist whom you volunteered for?”

“What do you like to do for fun?/ what else do you do besides school and work?”

“Tell me about yourself? Why Dentistry?”

“When did you graduate?”

“Do you like dentistry?”

“what are u r strengths and weaknesses?”

“where are you from”

“What have you been doing ever since you came to the US?”

“Tell me about tutoring position. What school, how many hours per week, etc?”

“what have you been doing for the last year?”

“How do you problem solve?”

“Why dentistry?Why NYU? What do you like about it?”

“what are your hobbies”


“What is your perspective on plagarism?”

“Why Dentistry? after i asnwered, i was being asked again just a few mins later. what u REALLY like about dentistry?”

“Do you have any questions for me?”

“If you have a patient that is a real pain and they say to you walking out the door after an appointment, “Am I a good patient?” What is your response?”

“Why didnt you retake your DAT?”

“Bio101 – what was that class about? “

“Why are you here?”

“Why dentistry? why not medicine”

“What do your parents do for a living?”

“Have you been to New York before, and what did you do on your last visit?”

“What are ur strength and weakness?”

“I cannot answer these questions, because we just had a great conversation. No scripted questions. “

“Why do you want to go to dental school?”

“Do you know that UOP is a terrible school?”

“How old are you? Any siblings?”

“Why were your PAT scores on the DAT lower than the other sections?”

“Why C in this class? “

“Why Dentistry? What makes NYU attractive to you? “

“If you had to become a TV star and you had to be Buck Rodgers or Webster, which one would you be and why?”

“What do you know about dentistry?”

“why dental and not medicine?”

“Why dentistry, and not medicine?”

“How did you recover from a bad grade?”

“How long will you be in town for? What are you going to do while you’re here? What kind of things do you like to do?”

“tell me something about yourself”

“why dentistry and not medicine”

“What are your weaknesses?”

“Tell me about your research”

“How do you handle stress?”

“Why are certain grades on my transcript bad.”

“what do you think of New york? “

“Tell me about yourself…”

“Why did you do so poorly in Ethics?”

“Are you the first in your family to apply to professional school?”

“Explain an ethical situation you have been involved in.”

“Why do you want to be a dentist?”

“Tell me about yourself?”

“what are you proud of ?”

“Why NYU when it’s so far away (I’m a WA resident)?”

“Why the hell did you apply so late?”

“How will you handle school since you have a wife and kids? “

“Tell me about yourself”

“Tell me about yourself. “

“you wouldn’t come here if you got accpeted to california schools right?”

“Describe an ethical situation you have been in and how you handled it.”

“how I got interested in dentistry”

“Tell me about your college experiences? How do you study?”

“WHy NYU and how would you do in NYC?”

“What was your study abroad experience like?”

“tell me about an activity you did were you had to work with others?”

“tell me a bit about yourself”

“How did you study for the DAT?”

“Have you ever had a moral dilemma?”

“would you have any problems moving to NY”

“Why Dentistry? Is anyone else in your family a Dentist?”

“how do you know you have manual dexterity”

“So…If I had to choose between you and another student with equal stats, tell me why I should pick you?”

“How did you get to choosing dentistry?”

“why NYU? tell me about yourself?”

“How do you study?”

“what i have been doing after graduation”

“You have such a great transcript. What happened with ochem?”

“why i thought i could do dentistry for the next 40 years?”

“Why NYU? Know the school. “

“Why NYU? What are your study habits?”

“Tell me something about yourself that is not stated in your personal statement.”

“do you consider yourself a good person? whats the most recent kind thing you’ve done.”

“Why do you want to go to NYU?”

“Why dentistry and not medicine?”

“What was an ethical situation you have been in and how did you handle it?”

“I really didn’t get any questions asked besides why NYU and what did I do during the summer. The rest was really informal.”

“Who is (my name here)?”

“What would you change about yourself?”

“Tell me about building model airplanes (a hobby of mine)”

“What can you do for NYU?”

“Talk about the classes you are taking or are going to take next semester, they are interesting. (Non hard science courses)”

“. why dentistry why NYU strength and weaknesses if you had to change something about yourself, what would it be? what are you the most proud of. what do you think will be the most challenging for you in dental school? tell me about yourself”

“If you were to get into NYU, why would you come here as oposed to X, Y, and Z? (the other schools at which I was interviewing)”

“How many schools have you applied to? Which ones have offered you interviews? How would you compare their curriculum to NYU? “

“I was surprised it was only one 1 on 1 interview. We discussed the other schools I applied to and he didn’t really ask me any personal questions.”

“It was very conversational, low stress. When did you decide dentistry was right for you, when did the “light bulb” go on?”

“Tell me some things about yourself that I could not find in your application?”

“What are your strengths and weaknesses”

“What makes you a unique applicant over the thousands of applicants we get each year?”

“what is a positive and a negative thing about you?”

“Why NYU? Why dentistry? Why were some semesters more difficult than others? How did you overcome difficult classes?”

“Do you know anyone who goes to NYU?”

“Is NYU your first choice?”

“Tell me about your international volunteering experience?”

“psychologist- his m.o. is to grill you and see how you take it. He read my application (for the first time) in front of me. 1st question- Tell me about yourself.”

“How far my place (lucknow) from delhi?”

“they have a list with question ,approximately 13 question was asked from me. 1tell me about yourself , 2 why dentistry, 3 why Nuy, 4ethical dilemma, 5 weak. vs str., 6 how many school u did u apply, 7 how many school u had interview, 8 specialties of dentistry, 9 who is a dean ofNYU, 10 what can u bring to NYU, 11Why we have to choose you at of all others 12 if u have shadowing they will ask you some procedure from ur application that u mention 13 do u know anyone from NYU i had very intense interview”

“Do you know the name of the dean of the college?”

“Why do you want to come to US and study again ?”

“Tell me about your research at NIH”

“Have you used a typodont before?”

“What is one thing you would change about yourself?”

“what is the name of the dean?”

“Was there a particular challenge you faced?”

“What is an important quality that a dentist should have?”

“How did you like your school?”

“What is your favorite class?”

“If I get accepted to all the schools I have applied for where would I go”

“What would you do if you could not go to dental school?”

“How was your experience in your own dental school ?”

“Tell me something that is not in your file?”

“What schools have you applied to?”

“What is an ethical dilemma you have faced?”

“how did i manage to do everything on my application. am i lying?”

“Why did you choose NYU?”

“Tell me something not in your app”

“What was the biggest challenge you’ve experienced recently?”

“What is your favorite/least favorite course?”

“Compare NYU with another school that you interviewed at.”

“tell me what you think would be a negative factor if you attended NYU?”

“Have you been involved in any ethical situations?”

“Tell me about yourself and why you chose dentistry.”

“What is your biggest strength and weakness?”

“Why NYU (other than being located in NYC).”

“What do you like to do for fun?”

“Why should we choose you”

“Why did you take the DAT twice?”

“Where do you picture yourself in five years?”

“How many times did you take the toefl?”

“How I will survive dental school with my trend.”

“Where do you see yourself in 10 years?”

“What do you want to do as a dentist?”

“Kept asking about DAT”

“”I’m going to read the following statement to you, and tell me what it means: College is the new high school.”
– I said that it can symbolize how the Master’s degree is the new bachelors. It is getting tougher and tougher to differentiate yourself in such a growingly competitive world.
– I also earned my Master’s earlier that year and thought that’s why he might have asked me that question.”

“Do you know someone from the School?”

“If you caught your best friend cheating during an exam, what would you do? (ethical question)”

“what do i do for fun”

“Do you think you will adjust to New York living?”

“The moral question (something like “did you ever do anything morally ambiguous?””

“Tell me about (two upper division, non-science electives).”

“You have alumni at this school, why not attend there?”

“Describe a time when you had a difficult course and what you did to handle it.”


“None really.”

“So what do you think i want to know about you? I was like umm well you probably might want to know things that arent in my application…. lol”

“Tell me about your study abroad.”

“Have you saw our website?”

“Can you live in New York? (I am OOS)”

“Are you self motivated?”

“Is it going to be difficult for you to be away from home?”

“all pretty standard.”

“Do your parents support your decision to come here? Are they going to be okay without you?”

“Is Oral Surgery more scientific than General Dentistry?”

“Tell about some patient , or unique experience with the patient that you remember ?”

“What do you do for fun in NYC?”

“Would you like to live in the city?”

“What interests you about dentistry?”

“How was your study-abroad experience?”

“Where do you see yourself in 10 years?”

“he really didn’t ask me many questions. it was very short.”

“You have a very good score in part 1 and then he waited for me to comment.”

“Ethical situation”

“because i know 4 diff languages , he ask me how would you say in all of them “good morning” lol”


“Where do you want to practice?”

“Are you going to find your husband in dental school?”

“how many people work in the dental clinic you shadowed at”

“why didnt you become a musician”

“Some people say that endodontists will not be necessary in 10 years due to the effectiveness of implants, do you feel they are right or wrong and why?”

“What are your hobbies?”

“honestly, I wasn’t really asked anything too extraordinary”

“Nothing too difficult or interesting”

“Tell me about you as a student, especially in the sciences.”

“Are you a Yankee’s fan?”

“Nothing I haven’t heard before.”

“Nothing out of the ordinary.”

“What other careers have you considered?”

“Are you good at multitasking?”

“Explain from a patient’s perspective how you felt about having braces and describe the feeling of having them put on and removed”

“What was the most interesting question you have gotten from other interviews? And, what was your response?”

“Why NYU vs. the other schools as opposed to just straight out why NYU. ”

“do you have a green card? how are you planning on paying dental school?”


“Talk about the classes you are taking or are going to take next semester, they are interesting. (Non hard science courses)”

“what can you do for NYU?”

“explain low grades”

“Why did I not want to be a pilot? (I’m scared of heights, otherwise it would be awesome)”

“What are your study habits and do you think they will work at NYUCD?”

“What was the hardest thing you ever did?”

“Where do you see yourself ranked in this school? ”

“none it was more of a regular conversation, not like a typical interview would be. I really liked it though. ”

“I am a nontraditional student with a very strong music background (went to a conservatory and got my bachelor’s and master’s in music), so my interviewer mostly asked me about my musical life and why I chose dentistry. The conversation just flowed from there. ”


“They asked me about a dental procedure (if you included procedures you observed in your application, be prepared to explain them)”

“What aspects of dentistry dont you like?”

“What are your study skills?”

“Would you be interested in research?”

“Ethics question.”

“To explain a dental procedure.”

“Tell me an ethical dilema.”

“how could you treat someone who had 8 cavities but I couldn’t afford to fill all 8…what would I do?”

“which museums i was going to visit in NYC?”

“would my husband move with me”

“What kind of models do you build?”

“Last movie you’ve seen?”


“What kinds of questions did you get at other interviews?”

“He asked me about all the other schools I applied to and why I would choose NYU over my state school or some of the other NY schools.”

“Is ur mother doctor? Yeah! I got this question so many times! My mother has PhD in linguistics graduated from Moscow University in Russia. Her nickname is Natasha~~”

“What other schools did you apply to?”

“How would you handle Dschool and living in NYC?”

“questions based on my application”

“Least Favorite Class?”

“Where is the best japanese ramyun place that you like? ”

“Tell me when you’ve had an ethical dilemma”

“He didn’t ask me any questions.”

“Did you think that because you had a high GPA that you didn’t have to do well on the

“You applied to so many schools which is a good thing, but why dental schools and not medical schools?”

“What do you think about the dental and nursing school merger?”

“Explain this portion of your application”

“Why do you want to be a dentist?”

“Can you survive in NYC?”

“What can you bring to dentistry?”

“How does construction work relate to dentistry?”

“An ethical situation you’ve been in.”

“Tell me about your siblings and their careers.”

“Describe how your life would be like in 10 years from 8 am – 5 pm.”

“none. ”

“When did you have to make an ethical decision that changed your life?”

“Do you consider yourself to be trustworthy?”

“Describe a situation where you had to make an ethical decision.”

“Have you been to any plays on Broadway?”

“Why the hell did you apply so late?”

“If we gave you an acceptance to our program, how sure would you be to attend this Fall?”

“what do you think how your children would if you get in future?”

“Tell me about yourself…”

“Why Nyu?
Talk about ur volunteer experience.”

“Are you sure you want to be a dentist…(third time asking)”

“What do you feel is the future of dentistry?”

“Are you the first in your family to apply to professional school?”

“How was your time in the Boy Scouts?”

“Did you write the DAT?…where are your marks?”

“I talked about how the dental office i work at is super busy so she followed up with a question about whether i thought it was busy because a lot of unnecessary procedures were done or because of another factor. then she followed up with “how do you feel about cosmetic dentistry?””

“How do you handle stress?”

“I was only asked about 50 questions, each dealing nothing with dentistry.”

“How did you do so well on the DAT?”

“I was really shocked that I wasn’t really asked very difficult questions…he really only asked me three or four questions, we talked more about where I was staying and what good restaurants were around.”

“What’s the one subject on the DAT that you think has the most direct correlation to students’ success in dental school?”

“if you could could change something about yourself, what would it be”

“do you have any social activities since your scores are very outstanding. score your social activities and the effort you put on academic work”

“nothing out of ordinary”

“Nothing out of the ordinary”

“Why NYU?”

“What is something that would disappoint you about a dental school if you were to find out?”

“REally, the interviewer did most of the talking, like 80%, so it was pretty-stress free.”

“What would you do if you didn’t get into dental school?”

“What was the last movie you watched?”

“Why dental school?”

“Why you?”

“when you starve, what goes to your brain? -> ketone body
where does ketone body come from? -> Amino Acids and Fats”

“Have you ever had to make an ethical decision?… Elaborate”

“Why did you choose dentistry over medicine?”

“If you get accepted into NYU and a state school which one would you go to?”

“why u had C in this class”

“What was the most honorable thing you have ever done?”

“So… Why dentistry?”


“What don’t you like about the dental profession?”

“what did you do for new years?”

“nothing really, seems like they have the same set of questions for everybody. make sure you can explain some questionable parts of your application, if any, such as DAT or GPA, etc”

“Why dentistry?”

“Would the move from Ca be positive for my wife (YES…many locations for her school).”

“Well, for my situation, I am opting to finish the 90 credit option. Therefore, if I get in, it will be after two years of college. So his question was: Why so fast?”

“do you think you would have trouble adjusting to NY life”

“Were you satisfied with your DAT scores?”

“If you did not get into dental school, what would you ask of the tooth fairy???”

“Tell me about the most difficult a moral decision you had to make in your life.”

“Why do you want to become a dentist more than anything else?”

“Why do you like New York City”

“Nothing. They were the standard interview questions.”

“What was my least favorite class?”

“nothing too interesting…everything was just basic interview type questions”

“what is your back up plan incase you dont get accepted?”

“What REALLY is the difference between medicine and dentistry? Do you REALLY know the nitty gritty of the daily life of a dentist?”

“Are you applying for financial aid? ”

“why dentistry?…cuz he commented on my answer…and told me what he thought.”


“Are you ready to study like hell?”

“See below”

“what is the worst thing you have done ”

“would u like a cup of coffee with me after the interview!!”

“Why didnt you retake your DAT?”

“How did u cope with the dental course in your country? Was it very difficult for you?”

“none really”

“Do you have any questions for me?”

“If you were a dentist and you had a real terrible patient and he asked you how he was as a patient what would you say?”

“summarize your essay to me”

“nothing. Everything was pretty straight to the point.”

“Nothing other than the person giving the interview was funny. Its about the only positive thing I have to say.”

“If a patient you didnt like asked you if you thought they were a good patient, what would you say?”

“What is your thought on plagiarism?”

“If your friend chose a suit which you didnt like at all and he asked you if you liked it, and your friend already told you how much he loves the suit, how would you respond?”

“nothing particularly out of normal. maybe the question, why NYU but DESPITE the fact that it’s in NY. ”

“What is your perspective on plagarism?”

“Will you call your mother tonight? (Didn’t really understand what he meant by that)”

“where else have you applied to?”

“If you found a bag full of cash with no name on it what would you do?”

“They denied the fact that they fail people to kick them out. When I asked the same question to a 2nd year student. S/he said the truth that they did kick people out for many different reason. ”

“what do you really like about dentistry? I mean what is it about dentistry that you realllyyyyyyy like?”

“If you could get into any dental school which would it be?
If someone was hosting a dinner in your honor and in front of all the guest asked you what you thought of the food and if in reality you don’t like the food what would you say?”

“I was asked about my undergraduate’s cheating policy. ”

“he asked why dentistry, and followed that by saying that my answer could have been for anything.and he asked me what specifically interested me in the field and at what moment did i know this was the right field for me.”


“Nothing really interesting was asked. I tutor at a high school in the Bronx and the interview began with the interviewer asking me about it and it turned out his daughter graduated from the high school I tutor at.”

“Do you think everyone is likeable? ”

“If I were a patient and I asked you if you liked me, but you really didn’t like me what would you say?”

“Why NYU? Why do you want to be a dentist?”

“are u gonna have a arranged marriage?”

“What speciality would you pursue, if you were going to do so?”

“Are you married and was it arranged or a love marriage?”

“nothing special really”

“when did you graduate?”

“”If I was the dental school admissions God and I could touch you and put you in any dental school except NYU, where would you want to go?” (Yeah, I got that guy too. He is very nice and open). ”

“How would you describe the dentist whom you volunteered for?”

“If a patient asked you “am I a good patient?” how would you respond?”

“nothing out of the ordinary…just the same ol same ol”

“usual questions”

“So… you had an uncle that went to NYU?”

“why dentistry and not medicine (over and over again)? what are your weak points and strengths? why did you apply to only the schools that you did?”

“Do you talk to your mother? Who advises you?”

“would you like to come with me to get a cup of coffee?”

“How do you study?”

“Name an experience where you had to struggle to overcome an obstacle, that you are now proud of.”

“If I was the fairy of dental admissions and I told you I could get you in anywhere…except NYU because they filled up last week….where would you want to go? Also…does your mother work? ”

“All the questions I was asked were pretty much typical for all dental school interviews. ( i.e. “why dentistry?”, “why NYU?”, etc..)”

“What are you most proud of?”

“How old are you?”

“What the [email protected]#$ happened to you in undergrad? (absolutely truth)”