New Student Orientation | Bachelor’s Degree in Business | Indiana Kelley

Some students will be waiting on AP , IB , dual credit, and/or transfer credit scores to post during the summer. During Day 2 of NSO, students will receive assistance interpreting what scores satisfy or possibly waive a requirement.

Students will take two or more placement exams prior to arriving for NSO. International students will take the IAET exam prior to arrival as well. Consult your FYE Orientation Portal for more details.

The information sent to you by the Office of First Year Experience is extremely important to understand how NSO will be conducted.

AP or Transfer

After you have received your AP scores and have checked your record for received transfer credits, review your Class Schedule to ensure you are not repeating a course. Do not enroll in a course for which you expect to receive AP credit.

Your IU Email

Official university communications will be sent to your university email address. You are expected to check your email on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with university-related communications.

Class Standing

30 credits are needed by the end of your first-year to reach sophomore standing.

Minimum Grades

A minimum grade of C is required in each I-Core Prerequisite course.

Business Attire

Some courses will require students to dress in business professional and business casual attire for presentations and other assignments. As you prepare to come to IU, please consider the following recommendations that most students find helpful:

  • Bring at least one business professional outfit – the most formal level of professional dress (e.g. dark-colored jackets and blazers with matching pants or skirt, buttoned-up shirt and tie combination, tailored conservative shirt)
  • Bring at least one business casual outfit – less formal but still put-together and professional (e.g. collared shirts, slacks, skirts, chinos, sweaters)
  • Many students recommend packing affordable items that can be mixed and matched for multiple outfits and occasions, as opposed to spending big on just one outfit

You are responsible for comparing your Class Schedule to the Final Exam Schedule to ensure you avoid final exam conflicts. Most conflicts can be resolved by changing class times. If you have questions related to changing class schedules, please email [email protected].

Kelley students will use the Windows IU 365 Version of Microsoft Office applications – Access and Excel, in the required technology classes. Other programs such as “@@Risk”, which runs inside Excel, may also be used. If you have another version of Microsoft Office, you should uninstall and install the free IU version of Office 365. Instructions for @@Risk or other program installation will be provided during the course requiring the program.

BUS-K 201 and BUS-K 303 require the Windows operating system for in-class material, assessments and exams. The courses extensively use keyboard shortcuts, and function keys need to be enabled. Since the keyboard on a MAC is different, not all of the shortcuts taught in class will have an equivalent. “Bootcamp” is the only MAC substitute software allowed, which can be installed to run a Windows environment on a MAC. UITS (University Information Technology Services) has a service to install Bootcamp as it is a dual boot software, and not a typical program install. However, UITS will require the laptop for 1-2 weeks and charge for the service. Given the complexity of using a MAC with Bootcamp, many students end up using a computer lab for these assignments.

Note: Kelley faculty surveyed students and 50% of MAC users had wiped the MAC OS to run only Windows within the first year at Kelley.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects your confidentiality by placing certain restrictions on the disclosure of information contained in your educational records. The Kelley School of Business is committed to protecting this confidentiality.

You are on this academic journey with your student, and we value the support networks that students have. Kelley provides an office dedicated to engaging parents and families. Learn more about how to support your student and network with other parents.

Interacting with the Advising Office

Parents are welcome to join their student in a meeting with an advisor, we just ask to be made aware beforehand for preparations. For emails sent to an advisor or the general account, your student will be cc’d on all responses. If an email is sent, and you are not listed on your student’s FERPA release, you will receive general information regarding your question but will not be specific to your student.

3rd party access

To view information as a 3rd party (parent, spouse, sponsor, etc.), your student must have completed setup of your 3rd Party User Account. The account could include access to view the bursar bill, 1098-T tax form, grades, class schedule, financial aid award or summary, and other personal information.