Networking @Scale Summer 2022 | At Scale Conferences

Top-level summary:
Building and operating large-scale networks hosting applications that serve billions of people worldwide often present complex engineering challenges to solve. At the recently held Networking@Scale 2022 virtual conference hosted by Meta on Jun 01 and Jun 02, 2022, engineers from Cloudflare, Fastly, Google, Microsoft Azure, Netflix, and Meta presented talks and engaged in live panel discussions with the audience around these challenges.

The conference was held virtually and saw a great turnout of attendees from industry and academia alike. This summer edition of Networking@Scale was themed around Transport Innovation – more specifically, on how to efficiently and quickly move data across the network, addressing congestion, performance, reliability, and extensibility through innovations in the transport layer. The conference was spread across two days and focused on transport protocols such as QUIC, TCP, and RDMA.

Day 1 of the conference focused on the value proposition and innovations in using the QUIC protocol in the Internet architecture and specific use-case studies demonstrating high performance and lower latencies achieved with QUIC at the CDN, Edge, and Backbone layers.

Day 2 pivoted to the challenges in Datacenter (DC) and WANs around networking and how innovations in TCP and other protocols (e.g.RoCE) help tackle these.

The Q&A sessions saw great engagement from the audience and presenters where they discussed topics such as QUIC’s agility, QUIC/HTTP3 adoption on the web both on browsers and servers. On the TCP side, there were discussions around BPF tuning vs in-kernel changes, deploying changes at scale, RoCE security and congestion management etc.

Recordings of the presentations are below. If you are interested in future events, please visit the @Scale website, follow the @Scale Facebook page, or join the Networking@Scale attendees Facebook group.