Network servers – ChirpStack open-source LoRaWAN ® Network Server

Network servers

Network Servers

ChirpStack Application Server is able to connect to one or multiple ChirpStack Network Server instances. Global admin users are able to add new Network Servers to the ChirpStack Application Server installation.

Note: once a Network Server is assigned to a Service Profile or Device Profile, a Network Server can’t be removed before deleting these entities, it will return an error.


When creating a new Network Server, ChirpStack Application Server will create a Routing Profile on the given Network Server, containing the hostname:ip of the ChirpStack Application Server installation. In case your ChirpStack Application Server installation is not reachable on localhost, make sure this hostname:ip is configured correctly in your Configuration. This Routing Profile is updated on Network Server updates and deleted on Network Server deletes.

TLS certificates

Depending the configuration of ChirpStack Network Server and ChirpStack Application Server, you must enter the CA and client certificates in order to let ChirpStack Application Server connect to ChirpStack Network Server and in order to let ChirpStack Network Server connect to ChirpStack Application Server (see Routing-profile above).

Note that for security reasons, the TLS key content is not displayed when editing an existing Network Server. Re-submitting does not clear the stored TLS key when left blank! The TLS key content will only be cleared internally when submitting a form with an empty TLS certificate value.

ChirpStack Network Server API is using TLS

You must enter the CA and TLS certificate fields under Certificates for ChirpStack Application Server to ChirpStack Network Server connection.

See also ChirpStack Network Server configuration.

ChirpStack Application Server API is using TLS

You must enter the CA and TLS certificate fields under Certificates for ChirpStack Network Server to ChirpStack Application Server connection.

See also ChirpStack Application Server configuration.