Network load balancing on Amazon EKS – Amazon EKS

Network load balancing on Amazon EKS

Network traffic is load balanced at L4 of the OSI model. To load balance
application traffic at L7, you deploy a Kubernetes ingress, which
provisions an AWS Application Load Balancer. For more information, see Application load balancing on Amazon EKS. To learn more about the differences between the two types
of load balancing, see Elastic
Load Balancing features on the AWS website.

When you create a Kubernetes Service of type LoadBalancer, the
AWS cloud provider load balancer controller creates AWS Classic Load
Balancers by default, but can also create AWS Network Load
Balancers. This controller is only receiving critical bug fixes in the future.
For more information about using the AWS cloud provider load balancer , see AWS cloud provider load balancer controller in the Kubernetes documentation.
Its use is not covered in this topic.

We recommend that you use version 2.4.7 or
later of the AWS Load Balancer Controller instead of the AWS
cloud provider load balancer controller. The AWS Load Balancer Controller creates AWS Network Load Balancers, but doesn’t create
AWS Classic Load Balancers. The remainder of this topic is about using the AWS Load Balancer

An AWS Network Load Balancer can load balance network traffic to pods deployed to Amazon EC2
IP and instance targets or to AWS Fargate IP targets. For more information, see AWS Load
Balancer Controller on GitHub.


Before you can load balance network traffic using the AWS Load Balancer Controller,
you must meet the following requirements.

  • Have an existing cluster. If you don’t have an existing cluster, see Getting started with Amazon EKS. If you need to
    update the version of an existing cluster, see Updating an Amazon EKS cluster Kubernetes version.

  • Have the AWS Load Balancer Controller deployed on your cluster. For more information, see Installing the AWS Load Balancer Controller add-on. We recommend version
    2.4.7 or later.

  • At least one subnet. If multiple tagged subnets are found in an Availability Zone, the
    controller chooses the first subnet whose subnet ID comes first lexicographically.
    The subnet must have at least eight available IP addresses.

  • If you’re using the AWS Load Balancer Controller version 2.1.1 or earlier, subnets must be
    tagged as follows. If using version 2.1.2 or later, this tag is
    optional. You might want to tag a subnet if you have multiple clusters running in
    the same VPC, or multiple AWS services sharing subnets in a VPC, and want more
    control over where load balancers are provisioned for each cluster. If you
    explicitly specify subnet IDs as an annotation on a service object, then Kubernetes and
    the AWS Load Balancer Controller use those subnets directly to create the load balancer. Subnet tagging
    isn’t required if you choose to use this method for provisioning load balancers and
    you can skip the following private and public subnet tagging requirements. Replace
    my-cluster with your cluster

    • Key –

    • Value – shared or

  • Your public and private subnets must meet the following requirements, unless you
    explicitly specify subnet IDs as an annotation on a service or ingress object. If
    you provision load balancers by explicitly specifying subnet IDs as an annotation on
    a service or ingress object, then Kubernetes and the AWS Load Balancer Controller
    use those subnets directly to create the load balancer and the following tags aren’t

    • Private subnets – Must be tagged
      in the following format. This is so that Kubernetes and the AWS Load
      Balancer Controller know that the subnets can be used for internal load
      balancers. If you use eksctl or an Amazon EKS AWS AWS CloudFormation template
      to create your VPC after March 26, 2020, then the subnets are tagged
      appropriately when they’re created. For more information about the Amazon EKS
      AWS AWS CloudFormation VPC templates, see Creating a VPC for your Amazon EKS cluster.

      • Key –

      • Value –

    • Public subnets – Must be tagged in
      the following format. This is so that Kubernetes knows to use only those
      subnets for external load balancers instead of choosing a public subnet in
      each Availability Zone (based on the lexicographical order of the subnet IDs). If you use
      eksctl or an Amazon EKS AWS CloudFormation template to create your VPC after
      March 26, 2020, then the subnets are tagged
      appropriately when they’re created. For more information about the
      Amazon EKS AWS CloudFormation VPC templates, see Creating a VPC for your Amazon EKS cluster.

      • Key –

      • Value –

    If the subnet role tags aren’t explicitly added, the Kubernetes service controller
    examines the route table of your cluster VPC subnets to determine if the subnet is
    private or public. We recommend that you don’t rely on this behavior, and instead
    explicitly add the private or public role tags. The AWS Load Balancer Controller
    doesn’t examine route tables, and requires the private and public tags to be present
    for successful auto discovery.

  • The configuration of your load balancer is controlled by annotations that are
    added to the manifest for your service. Service annotations are different when using
    the AWS Load Balancer Controller than they are when using the AWS cloud provider
    load balancer controller. Make sure to review the annotations for the AWS Load Balancer Controller before deploying

  • When using the Amazon VPC CNI plugin for Kubernetes, the
    AWS Load Balancer Controller can load balance to Amazon EC2 IP or instance targets and
    Fargate IP targets. When using Alternate
    compatible CNI plugins, the controller can only load balance to instance
    targets. For more information about Network Load Balancer target types, see Target type in the User Guide for Network Load Balancers

  • If you want to add tags to the load balancer when or after it’s created, add the
    following annotation in your service specification. For more information, see AWS Resource Tags in the AWS Load Balancer Controller
  • You can assign Elastic IP addresses to the Network Load Balancer by adding the following annotation.
    Replace the example values with the
    Allocation IDs of your Elastic IP addresses. The number of
    Allocation IDs must match the number of subnets that are used for
    the load balancer. For more information, see the AWS Load Balancer Controller documentation. eipalloc-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,eipalloc-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  • Amazon EKS adds one inbound rule to the node’s security group for client traffic and
    one rule for each load balancer subnet in the VPC for health checks for each Network Load Balancer
    that you create. Deployment of a service of type LoadBalancer can fail
    if Amazon EKS attempts to create rules that exceed the quota for the maximum number of
    rules allowed for a security group. For more information, see Security groups in Amazon VPC quotas in the Amazon VPC User Guide. Consider the
    following options to minimize the chances of exceeding the maximum number of rules
    for a security group:

    • Request an increase in your rules per security group quota. For more
      information, see Requesting a quota increase in the Service Quotas User Guide.

    • Use IP targets, rather than instance targets. With IP targets, you can
      share rules for the same target ports. You can manually specify load
      balancer subnets with an annotation. For more information, see Annotations on GitHub.

    • Use an ingress, instead of a service of type LoadBalancer, to
      send traffic to your service. The AWS Application Load Balancer requires fewer rules than
      Network Load Balancers. You can share an ALB across multiple ingresses. For more
      information, see Application load balancing on Amazon EKS.
      You can’t share a Network Load Balancer across multiple services.

    • Deploy your clusters to multiple accounts.

  • If your pods run on Windows in an Amazon EKS cluster, a single service with a load
    balancer can support up to 1024 back-end pods. Each pod has its own unique IP address.

  • We recommend only creating new Network Load Balancers with the AWS Load Balancer Controller.
    Attempting to replace existing Network Load Balancers created with the AWS cloud provider load
    balancer controller can result in multiple Network Load Balancers that might cause application

Create a network load balancer

You can create a network load balancer with IP or instance targets.

IP targets

You can use IP targets with pods deployed to Amazon EC2 nodes or Fargate. Your
Kubernetes service must be created as type LoadBalancer. For
more information, see Type LoadBalancer in the Kubernetes documentation.

To create a load balancer that uses IP targets, add the following
annotations to a service manifest and deploy your service. The
external value for aws-load-balancer-type is
what causes the AWS Load Balancer Controller, rather than the AWS cloud
provider load balancer controller, to create the Network Load Balancer. You can view a sample service
manifest with the annotations. "external" "ip"


If you’re load balancing to IPv6 pods, add the following
annotation. You can only load balance over IPv6 to IP
targets, not instance targets. Without this annotation, load balancing
is over IPv4. dualstack

Network Load Balancers are created with the internal
aws-load-balancer-scheme, by default. You can launch Network Load Balancers in
any subnet in your cluster’s VPC, including subnets that weren’t specified
when you created your cluster.

Kubernetes examines the route table for your subnets to identify whether they
are public or private. Public subnets have a route directly to the internet
using an internet gateway, but private subnets do not.

If you want to create a Network Load Balancer in a public subnet to load balance to Amazon EC2
nodes (Fargate can only be private), specify internet-facing
with the following annotation: "internet-facing"


annotation is still supported for backwards
compatibility. However, we recommend using the previous annotations for
new load balancers instead of


Do not edit the annotations after creating your service. If you need
to modify it, delete the service object and create it again with the
desired value for this annotation.

Instance targets

The AWS cloud provider load balancer controller creates Network Load Balancers with
instance targets only. Version 2.2.0 and later of the AWS
Load Balancer Controller also creates Network Load Balancers with instance targets. We
recommend using it, rather than the AWS cloud provider load balancer
controller, to create new Network Load Balancers. You can use Network Load Balancer instance targets with
pods deployed to Amazon EC2 nodes, but not to Fargate. To load balance network
traffic across pods deployed to Fargate, you must use IP targets.

To deploy a Network Load Balancer to a private subnet, your service specification must
have the following annotations. You can view a sample service
manifest with the annotations. The external value
for aws-load-balancer-type is what causes the AWS Load
Balancer Controller, rather than the AWS cloud provider load balancer
controller, to create the Network Load Balancer. "external" "instance"

Network Load Balancers are created with the internal
aws-load-balancer-scheme, by default. For internal Network Load Balancers, your
Amazon EKS cluster must be configured to use at least one private subnet in your
VPC. Kubernetes examines the route table for your subnets to identify
whether they are public or private. Public subnets have a route directly to
the internet using an internet gateway, but private subnets do not.

If you want to create an Network Load Balancer in a public subnet to load balance to Amazon EC2
nodes, specify internet-facing with the following
annotation: "internet-facing"


Do not edit the annotations after creating your service. If you need
to modify it, delete the service object and create it again with the
desired value for this annotation.

(Optional) Deploy a sample

  • At least one public or private subnet in your cluster VPC.

  • Have the AWS Load Balancer Controller deployed on your cluster. For more information, see Installing the AWS Load Balancer Controller add-on. We recommend version
    2.4.7 or later.

To deploy a sample application
  1. If you’re deploying to Fargate, make sure you have an available private subnet in
    your VPC and create a Fargate profile. If you’re not deploying to Fargate, skip this
    step. You can create the profile by running the following command or in the
    AWS Management Console using the same
    values for name and namespace that are in the command.
    Replace the example values with your own.

    eksctl create fargateprofile \ --cluster my-cluster \ --region


    \ --name nlb-sample-app
    \ --namespace nlb-sample-app
  2. Deploy a sample application.

    1. Create a namespace for the application.

      kubectl create namespace nlb-sample-app
    2. Save the following contents to a file named
      file on your computer.

      apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nlb-sample-app namespace: nlb-sample-app spec: replicas: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: nginx template: metadata: labels: app: nginx spec: containers: - name: nginx image: ports: - name: tcp containerPort: 80
    3. Apply the manifest to the cluster.

      kubectl apply -f sample-deployment.yaml
  3. Create a service with an internet-facing Network Load Balancer that load balances to IP

    1. Save the following contents to a file named
      sample-service.yaml file
      on your computer. If you’re deploying to Fargate nodes, remove the

      apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: nlb-sample-service namespace: nlb-sample-app annotations: external ip internet-facing spec: ports: - port: 80 targetPort: 80 protocol: TCP type: LoadBalancer selector: app: nginx
    2. Apply the manifest to the cluster.

      kubectl apply -f sample-service.yaml
  4. Verify that the service was deployed.

    kubectl get svc nlb-sample-service -n nlb-sample-app

    The example output is as follows.

    NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE sample-service LoadBalancer k8s-nlbsampl-nlbsampl-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.elb.



    80:32400/TCP 16h


    The values for and
    will be different than the example output (they will be unique to your load
    balancer) and us-west-2 may be different for you, depending
    on which AWS Region that your cluster is in.

  5. Open the Amazon EC2 AWS Management Console. Select
    Target Groups (under Load
    ) in the left navigation pane. In the
    Name column, select the target group’s name where the
    value in the Load balancer column matches a portion of the
    name in the EXTERNAL-IP column of the output in the previous step.
    For example, you’d select the target group named
    if your output were the same as the previous output. The Target
    is IP because that was specified in the sample
    service manifest.

  6. Select the Target group and then select the
    Targets tab. Under Registered
    , you should see three IP addresses of the three replicas
    deployed in a previous step. Wait until the status of all targets is
    healthy before continuing. It might take several
    minutes before all targets are healthy. The targets might be in an
    unhealthy state before changing to a healthy

  7. Send traffic to the service replacing
    xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and
    us-west-2 with the values returned
    in the output for a previous
    step for EXTERNAL-IP. If you deployed to a private
    subnet, then you’ll need to view the page from a device within your VPC, such as
    a bastion host. For more information, see Linux Bastion Hosts on

    curl k8s-default-samplese-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.elb.



    The example output is as follows.

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Welcome to nginx!</title> ...
  8. When you’re finished with the sample deployment, service, and namespace,
    remove them.

    kubectl delete namespace nlb-sample-app