Network Security Monitoring (NSM) Services | DOT Security
Network security monitoring (NSM) is regular, cyclical surveillance of a system to find any cyberattacks or breaches that may have slipped through the cracks unnoticed. It takes an average of 228 days (7.6 months) for a business to realize they’ve been breached, according to a 2020 study from IBM. Getting NSM, or network security manager, is how you find the threat much more quickly.
While the rest of our cybersecurity services help us stop the vast majority of hackers in their tracks, it’s impossible for anyone to guarantee 100% perfect coverage of a given system. That’s why DOT Security performs comprehensive cyber threat monitoring services for fast remediation.
NSM security ensures that everything in your environment is still in order. If anything has evaded the first lines of your cybersecurity defense, it gives us the best chance to remediate the threat before it causes permanent or costly damage.