Netlytic – social media text and social networks analyzer



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Making sense of online conversations

  • Netlytic is a cloud-based text and social networks analyzer that can automatically summarize textual data and discover communication networks from publicly accessible social media posts.
  • Netlytic has been in use for over a decade by researchers, educators and students from around the world. It uses APIs to collect publicly accessible posts from Twitter, YouTube and RSS feeds. Netlytic can also support the upload and analysis of users’ existing datasets via CSV or Google Sheet.
  • Netlytic’s Free Tiers 1 & 2 are ideal for teaching and learning about social media analytics, content analysis and social network analysis (SNA).
  • Netlytic’s User-Supported Tier 3 is designed for researchers and has been widely used to conduct social science research on online participation and communities.
  • We at Netlytic are proponents of ethical use of social media data to conduct research in the public interest. This means that before you use Netlytic or any other social media analytic tools, we encourage you to review and follow ethical guidelines and best practices established by your institution. Please also review the Ethical Decision-Making and Internet Research Recommendations by the Association of Internet Researchers.

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