My journey to building my blog in Golang

My journey to building my blog in Golang

First attempt

Second attempt

  1. Remember the purpose of what I am trying to build. As a programmer, we should focus on WHAT, WHY and HOW we are going to solve a specific problem.
  • What: I want to build a blog where I can share articles of topics that I am interested in and I am learning about.
  • Why: I want to build a network and connect with people who have similar interests, share knowledge that other people might find useful and practice communicating through writing effectively.
  • How: I made a decision to not use a blog engine and to build the blog from scratch in Go in an iterative way. Whilst a blog engine would easily achieve my goals, I would not have gained this invaluable learning experience.
  • A home page which has a list of my blogs in descending order by date.
  • The blogs are links that open up on a separate page.
  • Go through Learn Go With Tests to learn how to test the code correctly in Go.
  • What would be included in my acceptance test? Do I need one?
  • Github Issues:
  • Continuous Integration:
  1. TDD it. No, I mean actually TDD it. Yes, I realised that writing no tests would hurt me in the future and make me less confident in my code, but I still did not strictly follow TDD. I added a couple of tests with respect to my router after writing it up and I realised I probably would’ve created a better solution if I had tested it first.
  2. Don’t get obsessed over the CSS — this can be done over time. The perfectionist in me was running around in circles. Instead of focusing on the most important task, I wanted to make the site look pixel perfect.
  3. Get feedback on the code and the design as soon as possible.